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 * BasisBlade.java
 * Created on February 1, 2005, 11:41 AM
 * Copyright 2005-2007 Daniel Fontijne, University of Amsterdam
 * fontijne@science.uva.nl

package subspace.basis;

import java.util.ArrayList;

 * A simple class to represent a basis blade.
 * <p>mutable :( Should have made it immutable . . .
 * <p>Could use subspace.util.Bits.lowestOneBit() and such to make
 * loops slightly more efficient, but didn't to keep text simple for the book.
 * @author  fontijne
final public class BasisBlade implements Cloneable, InnerProductTypes {

    /** temp for testing */
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        BasisBlade e1 = new BasisBlade(1);
        BasisBlade no = new BasisBlade(2);
        BasisBlade ni = new BasisBlade(4);

        double[][] m = new double[][]{
            {1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0},
            {0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0},
            {0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0},
            {0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ,0.0, -1.0},
            {0.0, 0.0, 0.0 , -1.0, 0.0}

        try {
            Metric M = new Metric(m); {
            for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 32; j++) {
                BasisBlade a = new BasisBlade(i);
                BasisBlade b = new BasisBlade(j);
                ArrayList R = Util.round(gp(a, b, M), 1.0, 0.0001);
            ArrayList L = new ArrayList();
            long t = System.currentTimeMillis();
            for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < 32; j++) {
                BasisBlade a = new BasisBlade(i);
                BasisBlade b = new BasisBlade(j);
                ArrayList R = gp(a, b, M);
                System.out.println(a + " " + b + " = " + R);

            System.out.println("time: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t));*/
        } catch (subspace.metric.MetricException E) {
            System.out.println("Exception: " + E);


    /** constructs an instance of BasisBlade */
    public BasisBlade(int b, double s) {
        bitmap = b;
        scale = s;

    /** constructs an instance of a unit BasisBlade */
    public BasisBlade(int b) {
        bitmap = b;
        scale = 1.0;

    /** constructs an instance of a scalar BasisBlade */
    public BasisBlade(double s) {
        bitmap = 0;
        scale = s;

    /** constructs an instance of a zero BasisBlade */
    public BasisBlade() {
        bitmap = 0;
        scale = 0.0;

     * Returns sign change due to putting the blade blades represented
     * by <code>a<code> and <code>b</code> into canonical order.
    public static double canonicalReorderingSign(int a, int b) {
        // Count the number of basis vector flips required to
        // get a and b into canonical order.
        a >>= 1;
        int sum = 0;
        while (a != 0) {
            sum += subspace.util.Bits.bitCount(a & b);
            a >>= 1;

        // even number of flips -> return 1
        // odd number of flips -> return 1
        return ((sum & 1) == 0) ? 1.0 : -1.0;

    /** shortcut to outerProduct() */
    public static BasisBlade op(BasisBlade a, BasisBlade b) {
        return outerProduct(a, b);

    /** @return the outer product of two basis blades */
    public static BasisBlade outerProduct(BasisBlade a, BasisBlade b) {
        return gp_op(a, b, true);

    /** shortcut to geometricProduct() */
    public static BasisBlade gp(BasisBlade a, BasisBlade b) {
        return geometricProduct(a, b);

    /** return the geometric product of two basis blades */
    public static BasisBlade geometricProduct(BasisBlade a, BasisBlade b) {
        return gp_op(a, b, false);

     * @return the geometric product or the outer product
     * of 'a' and 'b'.
    protected static BasisBlade gp_op(BasisBlade a, BasisBlade b, boolean outer) {
        // if outer product: check for independence
        if (outer && ((a.bitmap & b.bitmap) != 0))
            return new BasisBlade(0.0);

        // compute the bitmap:
        int bitmap = a.bitmap ^ b.bitmap;

        // compute the sign change due to reordering:
        double sign = canonicalReorderingSign(a.bitmap, b.bitmap);

        // return result:
        return new BasisBlade(bitmap, sign * a.scale * b.scale);

    /** shortcut to geometricProduct() */
    public static BasisBlade gp(BasisBlade a, BasisBlade b, double[] m) {
        return geometricProduct(a, b, m);

     * @return reverse of this basis blade (always a newly constructed blade)
    public BasisBlade reverse() {
        // multiplier = (-1)^(x(x-1)/2)
        return new BasisBlade(bitmap, minusOnePow((grade() * (grade() - 1)) / 2) * scale);

     * @return grade inversion of this basis blade (always a newly constructed blade)
    public BasisBlade gradeInversion() {
        // multiplier is (-1)^x
        return new BasisBlade(bitmap, minusOnePow(grade()) * scale);

     * @return clifford conjugate of this basis blade (always a newly constructed blade)
    public BasisBlade cliffordConjugate() {
        // multiplier is ((-1)^(x(x+1)/2)
        return new BasisBlade(bitmap, minusOnePow((grade() * (grade() + 1)) / 2) * scale);

     * Computes the geometric product of two basis blades in limited non-Euclidean metric.
     * @param m is an array of doubles giving the metric for each basis vector.
    public static BasisBlade geometricProduct(BasisBlade a, BasisBlade b, double[] m) {
        // compute the geometric product in Euclidean metric:
        BasisBlade result = geometricProduct(a, b);

        // compute the meet (bitmap of annihilated vectors):
        int bitmap = a.bitmap & b.bitmap;

        // change the scale according to the metric:
        int i = 0;
        while (bitmap != 0) {
            if ((bitmap & 1) != 0) result.scale *= m[i];
            bitmap = bitmap >> 1;

        return result;

    public static ArrayList gp(BasisBlade a, BasisBlade b, Metric M) {
        return geometricProduct(a, b, M);

     * Computes the geometric product of two basis blades in arbitary non-Euclidean metric.
     * @param M is an instance of Metric giving the metric (and precomputed eigen vectors).
     * @return an ArrayList, because the result does not have to be a single BasisBlade anymore . . .
    public static ArrayList geometricProduct(BasisBlade a, BasisBlade b, Metric M) {
        // convert argument to eigenbasis
        ArrayList A = M.toEigenbasis(a);
        ArrayList B = M.toEigenbasis(b);

        ArrayList result = new ArrayList();
        for (int i = 0; i < A.size(); i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < B.size(); j++) {
            result.add(gp((BasisBlade)A.get(i), (BasisBlade)B.get(j), M.getEigenMetric()));

        return M.toMetricBasis(simplify(result));

     * @return the geometric product of two basis blades
     * @param type gives the type of inner product:
    public static BasisBlade innerProduct(BasisBlade a, BasisBlade b, int type) {
        return innerProductFilter(a.grade(), b.grade(), geometricProduct(a, b), type);

     * Computes the inner product of two basis blades in limited non-Euclidean metric.
     * @param m is an array of doubles giving the metric for each basis vector.
     * @param type gives the type of inner product:
    public static BasisBlade innerProduct(BasisBlade a, BasisBlade b, double[] m, int type) {
        return innerProductFilter(a.grade(), b.grade(), geometricProduct(a, b, m), type);

     * Computes the inner product of two basis blades in arbitary non-Euclidean metric.
     * @param M is an instance of Metric giving the metric (and precomputed eigen vectors).
     * @param type gives the type of inner product:
     * @return an ArrayList, because the result does not have to be a single BasisBlade anymore . . .
     * <p>Todo: no need to return an ArrayList here? Result is always a single blade?
    public static ArrayList innerProduct(BasisBlade a, BasisBlade b, Metric M, int type) {
        return innerProductFilter(a.grade(), b.grade(), geometricProduct(a, b, M), type);

    /** shortcut to innerProduct(...) */
    public static BasisBlade ip(BasisBlade a, BasisBlade b, int type) {
        return innerProduct(a, b, type);

    /** shortcut to innerProduct(...) */
    public static BasisBlade ip(BasisBlade a, BasisBlade b, double[] m, int type) {
        return innerProduct(a, b, m, type);

    /** shortcut to innerProduct(...) */
    public static ArrayList ip(BasisBlade a, BasisBlade b, Metric M, int type) {
        return innerProduct(a, b, M, type);

    /** returns the grade of this blade */
    public int grade() {
        return subspace.util.Bits.bitCount(bitmap);

    /** @return pow(-1, i) */
    public static int minusOnePow(int i) {
        return ((i & 1) == 0) ? 1 : -1;

    public boolean equals(Object O) {
        if (O instanceof BasisBlade) {
            BasisBlade B = (BasisBlade)O;
            return ((B.bitmap == bitmap) && (B.scale == scale));
        else return false;

    public int hashCode() {
        return new Integer(bitmap).hashCode() ^ new Double(scale).hashCode();

    public String toString() {
        return toString(null);

     * @param bvNames The names of the basis vector (e1, e2, e3) are used when
     * not available
    public String toString(String[] bvNames) {
        StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
        int i = 1;
        int b = bitmap;
        while (b != 0) {
            if ((b & 1) != 0) {
            if (result.length() > 0) result.append("^");
            if ((bvNames == null) || (i > bvNames.length) || (bvNames[i-1] == null))
                result.append("e" + i);
            else result.append(bvNames[i-1]);
            b >>= 1;

        return (result.length() == 0) ? new Double(scale).toString() : scale + "*" + result.toString();

    public BasisBlade copy() {
        return (BasisBlade)clone();

    public Object clone() {
        return new BasisBlade(bitmap, scale);

    private static ArrayList innerProductFilter(int ga, int gb, ArrayList R, int type) {
        ArrayList result = new ArrayList();
        for (int i = 0; i < R.size(); i++) {
            BasisBlade B = innerProductFilter(ga, gb, (BasisBlade)R.get(i), type);
            if (B.scale != 0.0)
        return result;

     * Applies the rules to turn a geometric product into an inner product
     * @param ga Grade of argument 'a'
     * @param gb Grade of argument 'b'
     * @param r the basis blade to be filter
     * @param type the type of inner product required:
     * @return Either a 0 basis blade, or 'r'
    private static BasisBlade innerProductFilter(int ga, int gb, BasisBlade r, int type) {
        switch(type) {
            case LEFT_CONTRACTION:
            if ((ga > gb) || (r.grade() != (gb-ga)))
                return new BasisBlade();
            else return r;
            case RIGHT_CONTRACTION:
            if ((ga < gb) || (r.grade() != (ga-gb)))
                return new BasisBlade();
            else return r;
            case HESTENES_INNER_PRODUCT:
            if ((ga == 0) || (gb == 0)) return new BasisBlade();
            // drop through to MODIFIED_HESTENES_INNER_PRODUCT
            if (Math.abs(ga - gb) == r.grade()) return r;
            else return new BasisBlade();
            return null;

    static private class simplifyComperator implements java.util.Comparator {
        public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
            BasisBlade B1 = (BasisBlade)o1;
            BasisBlade B2 = (BasisBlade)o2;
            return ((B1.bitmap < B2.bitmap) ? -1 :
            ((B1.bitmap > B2.bitmap) ? 1 : Double.compare(B1.scale, B2.scale)));

    /** simplifies an arraylist (sum) of BasisBlades (destroys ordering of A!) */
    static protected ArrayList simplify(ArrayList A) {
        if (A.size() == 0) return A;

        java.util.Collections.sort(A, new simplifyComperator());
        ArrayList result = new ArrayList();
        BasisBlade current = ((BasisBlade)A.get(0)).copy();
        for (int i = 1; i < A.size(); i++) {
            BasisBlade b = (BasisBlade)A.get(i);
            if (b.bitmap == current.bitmap) current.scale += b.scale;
            else {
            if (current.scale != 0.0)
            current = b.copy();
        if (current.scale != 0.0)

        return result;

     * Rounds the scalar part of <code>this</code> to the nearest multiple X of <code>multipleOf</code>,
     * if |X - what| <= epsilon. This is useful when eigenbasis is used to perform products in arbitrary
     * metric, which leads to small roundof errors. You don't want to keep these roundof errors if your
     * are computing a multiplication table.
     * @returns a new basis blade if a change is required.
    public BasisBlade round(double multipleOf, double epsilon) {
        double a = subspace.util.DoubleU.round(scale, multipleOf, epsilon);
        if (a != scale)
            return new BasisBlade(bitmap, a);
        else return this;

     * This bitmap specifies what basis vectors are
     * present in this basis blade
    public int bitmap;

     * The scale of the basis blade is represented by this double
    public double scale;

} // end of class BasisBlade

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