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 * Multivector.java
 * Created on October 10, 2005, 7:37 PM
 * Copyright 2005-2007 Daniel Fontijne, University of Amsterdam
 * fontijne@science.uva.nl

package subspace.basis;

import java.util.*;

 * This class implements a sample multivector class along with
 * some basic GA operations. Very low performance.
 * <p>mutable :( Should have made it immutable . . .
 * @author  fontijne
public class Multivector implements Cloneable, InnerProductTypes {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    // setup conformal algebra:
    String[] bvNames = {"no", "e1", "e2", "e3", "ni"};
    double[][] m = new double[][]{
        {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0},
        {0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0},
        {0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0},
        {0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ,1.0, 0.0},
        {-1.0, 0.0, 0.0 , 0.0, 0.0}

    Metric M = null;
    try {
        M = new Metric(m);
    } catch (Exception ex) {}

    Multivector no = getBasisVector(0);
    Multivector ni = getBasisVector(4);
    Multivector e1 = getBasisVector(1);
    Multivector e2 = getBasisVector(2);
    Multivector e3 = getBasisVector(3);

    Multivector A = e1.add(e2.op(e3).op(e1));
    System.out.println("A = " + A);
    System.out.println(new MultivectorType(A));

    Multivector a = e1.add(e2.op(e3));
    Multivector ai1 = a.generalInverse(M);
    Multivector T1 = ai1.gp(a, M).subtract(1.0).compress(1e-7);
    Multivector T2 = a.gp(ai1, M).subtract(1.0).compress(1e-7);
    if (!T1.isNull()) {
        System.out.println("More Wha 1 !!!");
    if (!T2.isNull()) {
        System.out.println("More Wha 2!!!");

    /*int dim = 5;
    for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
        if ((i % 10) == 0) System.out.println("i = " + i);
        Multivector a = Multivector.getRandomVersor(dim, (int)(Math.random() * dim), 1.0);
        Multivector ai1 = null;
        Multivector ai2 = null;
        try {
        ai1 = a.generalInverse(M);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
        try {
        ai2 = a.versorInverse(M);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
        if ((ai1 == null) ^ (ai2 == null)) {
        if (ai1 != null) {
        Multivector T1 = ai1.gp(a, M).subtract(1.0).compress(1e-7);
        Multivector T2 = a.gp(ai1, M).subtract(1.0).compress(1e-7);
        if (!T1.isNull()) {
            Multivector X = a.gp(ai1, M).subtract(1.0).compress(1e-7);
            System.out.println("More Wha 1 !!!");
        if (!T2.isNull()) {
            System.out.println("More Wha 2!!!");
//      System.out.println("T1: " + T1.toString(bvNames));
//      System.out.println("T2: " + T2.toString(bvNames));



    Multivector B = new Multivector(-1.45);
    Multivector R = B.cos(M);
    Multivector R2 = B.cosSeries(M, 24);

    System.out.println("B = " + B.toString(bvNames) + ",");
    System.out.println("R1 = " + R.toString(bvNames) + ",");
    System.out.println("R2 = " + R2.toString(bvNames) + ",");

    B = e1.op(e3).gp(1.33334);
    R = B.cos(M);
    R2 = B.cosSeries(M, 24);

    System.out.println("B = " + B.toString(bvNames) + ",");
    System.out.println("R1 = " + R.toString(bvNames) + ",");
    System.out.println("R2 = " + R2.toString(bvNames) + ",");


    /** Creates a new instance of Multivector */
    public Multivector() {
        blades = new ArrayList();

    /** Creates a new instance of Multivector */
    public Multivector(double s) {
        this(new BasisBlade(s));

    /** do not modify 'B' for it is not copied */
    public Multivector(ArrayList B) {
        blades = B;

    /** do not modify 'B' for it is not copied */
    public Multivector(BasisBlade B) {
        blades = subspace.util.ArrayListU.newArrayList(B);

    public Multivector copy() {
        return (Multivector)clone();

    public Object clone() {
        Multivector M = new Multivector((ArrayList)blades.clone());
        M.bladesSorted = this.bladesSorted;
        return M;

    public boolean equals(Object O) {
        if (O instanceof Multivector) {
            Multivector B = (Multivector)O;
            Multivector zero = subtract(B);
            return (zero.blades.size() == 0);
        else return false;

    public int hashCode() {
        int hc = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < blades.size(); i++)
            hc ^= blades.get(i).hashCode();
        return hc;

    public String toString() {
        return toString(null);

     * @param bvNames The names of the basis vector (e1, e2, e3) are used when
     * not available
    public String toString(String[] bvNames) {
        if (blades.size() == 0) return "0";
        else {
            StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
            for (int i = 0; i < blades.size(); i++) {
                BasisBlade b = (BasisBlade)blades.get(i);
                String S = b.toString(bvNames);
                if (i == 0) result.append(S);
                else if (S.charAt(0) == '-') {
                    result.append(" - ");
                else {
                    result.append(" + ");
            return result.toString();

    /** @return basis vector 'idx' range [0 ... dim)*/
    public static Multivector getBasisVector(int idx) {
        return new Multivector(new BasisBlade(1 << idx));

    /** @return 'dim'-dimensional random vector with coordinates in range [-scale, scale] */
    public static Multivector getRandomVector(int dim, double scale) {
        ArrayList result = new ArrayList(dim);
        for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++)
            result.add(new BasisBlade(1 << i, 2 * scale * (Math.random() - 0.5)));
        return new Multivector(result);

     * @return 'dim'-dimensional random blade with coordinates in range [-scale, scale]
    public static Multivector getRandomBlade(int dim, int grade, double scale) {
        Multivector result = new Multivector(2 * scale * (Math.random() - 0.5));
        for (int i = 1; i <= grade; i++)
            result = result.op(getRandomVector(dim, scale));
        return result;

     * @return 'dim'-dimensional random blade with coordinates in range [-scale, scale]
     * @param metric can either be null, Metric or double[]
    public static Multivector getRandomVersor(int dim, int grade, double scale) {
        return getRandomVersor(dim, grade, scale, null);

     * @return 'dim'-dimensional random blade with coordinates in range [-scale, scale]
     * @param metric can either be null, Metric or double[]
    public static Multivector getRandomVersor(int dim, int grade, double scale, Object metric) {
        Multivector result = new Multivector(2 * scale * (Math.random() - 0.5));
        for (int i = 1; i <= grade; i++)
            result = result._gp(getRandomVector(dim, scale), metric);
        return result;

    /** @return geometric product of this with a scalar */
    public Multivector gp(double a) {
        if (a == 0.0) return new Multivector();
        else {
            ArrayList result = new ArrayList(blades.size());
            for (int i = 0; i < blades.size(); i++) {
            BasisBlade b = (BasisBlade)blades.get(i);
            result.add(new BasisBlade(b.bitmap, b.scale * a));
            return new Multivector(result);

    /** @return geometric product of this with a 'x' */
    public Multivector gp(Multivector x) {
        ArrayList result = new ArrayList(blades.size() * x.blades.size());

        // loop over basis blade of 'this'
        for (int i = 0; i < blades.size(); i++) {
            BasisBlade B1 = (BasisBlade)blades.get(i);

            // loop over basis blade of 'x'
            for (int j = 0; j < x.blades.size(); j++) {
            BasisBlade B2 = (BasisBlade)x.blades.get(j);
            result.add(BasisBlade.gp(B1, B2));
        return new Multivector(simplify(result));

    /** @return geometric product of this with a 'x' using metric 'M' */
    public Multivector gp(Multivector x, Metric M) {
        ArrayList result = new ArrayList(blades.size() * x.blades.size());
        for (int i = 0; i < blades.size(); i++) {
            BasisBlade B1 = (BasisBlade)blades.get(i);
            for (int j = 0; j < x.blades.size(); j++) {
            BasisBlade B2 = (BasisBlade)x.blades.get(j);
            result.addAll(BasisBlade.gp(B1, B2, M));
        return new Multivector(simplify(result));

    /** @return geometric product of this with a 'x' using metric 'm' */
    public Multivector gp(Multivector x, double[] m) {
        ArrayList result = new ArrayList(blades.size() * x.blades.size());
        for (int i = 0; i < blades.size(); i++) {
            BasisBlade B1 = (BasisBlade)blades.get(i);
            for (int j = 0; j < x.blades.size(); j++) {
            BasisBlade B2 = (BasisBlade)x.blades.get(j);
            result.add(BasisBlade.gp(B1, B2, m));
        return new Multivector(simplify(result));

    /** @return outer product of this with 'x' */
    public Multivector op(Multivector x) {
        ArrayList result = new ArrayList(blades.size() * x.blades.size());
        for (int i = 0; i < blades.size(); i++) {
            BasisBlade B1 = (BasisBlade)blades.get(i);
            for (int j = 0; j < x.blades.size(); j++) {
            BasisBlade B2 = (BasisBlade)x.blades.get(j);
            result.add(BasisBlade.op(B1, B2));
        return new Multivector(simplify(result));

    /** @return inner product of this with a 'x'
     * @param type gives the type of inner product:
    public Multivector ip(Multivector x, int type) {
        ArrayList result = new ArrayList(blades.size() * x.blades.size());
        for (int i = 0; i < blades.size(); i++) {
            BasisBlade B1 = (BasisBlade)blades.get(i);
            for (int j = 0; j < x.blades.size(); j++) {
            BasisBlade B2 = (BasisBlade)x.blades.get(j);
            result.add(BasisBlade.ip(B1, B2, type));
        return new Multivector(simplify(result));

    /** @return inner product of this with a 'x' using metric 'M'
     * @param type gives the type of inner product:
    public Multivector ip(Multivector x, Metric M, int type) {
        ArrayList result = new ArrayList(blades.size() * x.blades.size());
        for (int i = 0; i < blades.size(); i++) {
            BasisBlade B1 = (BasisBlade)blades.get(i);
            for (int j = 0; j < x.blades.size(); j++) {
            BasisBlade B2 = (BasisBlade)x.blades.get(j);
            result.addAll(BasisBlade.ip(B1, B2, M, type));
        return new Multivector(simplify(result));

    /** @return inner product of this with a 'x' using metric 'm'
     * @param type gives the type of inner product:
    public Multivector ip(Multivector x, double[] m, int type) {
        ArrayList result = new ArrayList(blades.size() * x.blades.size());
        for (int i = 0; i < blades.size(); i++) {
            BasisBlade B1 = (BasisBlade)blades.get(i);
            for (int j = 0; j < x.blades.size(); j++) {
            BasisBlade B2 = (BasisBlade)x.blades.get(j);
            result.add(BasisBlade.ip(B1, B2, m, type));
        return new Multivector(simplify(result));

    /** @return scalar product of this with a 'x' */
    public double scalarProduct(Multivector x) {
        return ip(x, LEFT_CONTRACTION).scalarPart();

    /** @return scalar product of this with a 'x' using metric 'm' */
    public double scalarProduct(Multivector x, double[] m) {
        return ip(x, m, LEFT_CONTRACTION).scalarPart();

    /** @return scalar product of this with a 'x' using metric 'M' */
    public double scalarProduct(Multivector x, Metric M) {
        return ip(x, M, LEFT_CONTRACTION).scalarPart();

    /** shortcut to scalarProduct(...) */
    public double scp(Multivector x) {
        return scalarProduct(x);

    /** shortcut to scalarProduct(...) */
    public double scp(Multivector x, double[] m) {
        return scalarProduct(x, m);

    /** shortcut to scalarProduct(...) */
    public double scp(Multivector x, Metric M) {
        return scalarProduct(x, M);

    /** @return sum of this with scalar 'a' */
    public Multivector add(double a) {
        ArrayList result = new ArrayList(blades.size() + 1);

        result.add(new BasisBlade(a));

        return new Multivector(simplify(cloneArrayElements(result)));

    /** @return sum of this with 'x' */
    public Multivector add(Multivector x) {
        ArrayList result = new ArrayList(blades.size() + x.blades.size());


        return new Multivector(simplify(cloneArrayElements(result)));

    /** @return this - scalar 'a' */
    public Multivector subtract(double a) {
        return add(-a);

    /** @return this - 'x' */
    public Multivector subtract(Multivector x) {
        ArrayList result = new ArrayList(blades.size() + x.blades.size());


        return new Multivector(simplify(cloneArrayElements(result)));

    /** @return exponential of this */
    public Multivector exp() {
        return exp((Object)null, 12);
    /** @return exponential of this under metric 'M' */
    public Multivector exp(Metric M) {
        return exp((Object)M, 12);
    /** @return exponential of this under metric 'm' */
    public Multivector exp(double[] m) {
        return exp((Object)m, 12);

    /** evaluates exp(this) using special cases if possible, using series otherwise */
    protected Multivector exp(Object M, int order) {
        // check out this^2 for special cases
        Multivector A2 = this._gp(this, M).compress();
        if (A2.isNull(1e-8)) {
            // special case A^2 = 0
            return this.add(1);
        else if (A2.isScalar()) {
            double a2 = A2.scalarPart();
            // special case A^2 = +-alpha^2
            if (a2 < 0) {
                double alpha = Math.sqrt(-a2);
                return gp(Math.sin(alpha) / alpha).add(Math.cos(alpha));
            //hey: todo what if a2 == 0?
            else {
                double alpha = Math.sqrt(a2);
                return gp(subspace.util.MathU.sinh(alpha) / alpha).add(subspace.util.MathU.cosh(alpha));
        else return expSeries(M, order);

    /** Evaluates exp using series . . .  (== SLOW & INPRECISE!) */
    protected Multivector expSeries(Object M, int order) {
        // first scale by power of 2 so that its norm is ~ 1
        long scale=1; {
            double max = this.norm_e();
            if (max > 1.0) scale <<= 1;
            while (max > 1.0) {
                max = max / 2;
                scale <<= 1;

        Multivector scaled = this.gp(1.0 / scale);

        // taylor approximation
        Multivector result = new Multivector(1.0); {
            Multivector tmp = new Multivector(1.0);

            for (int i = 1; i < order; i++) {
                tmp = tmp._gp(scaled.gp(1.0 / i), M);
                result = result.add(tmp);

        // undo scaling
        while (scale > 1) {
            result = result._gp(result, M);
            scale >>>= 1;

        return result;

    /** @return sin of this */
    public Multivector sin() {
        return sin((Object)null, 12);
    /** @return sin of this under metric 'M' */
    public Multivector sin(Metric M) {
        return sin((Object)M, 12);
    /** @return sin of this under metric 'm' */
    public Multivector sin(double[] m) {
        return sin((Object)m, 12);

    protected Multivector sin(Object M, int order) {
        // check out this^2 for special cases
        Multivector A2 = this._gp(this, M).compress();
        if (A2.isNull(1e-8)) {
            // special case A^2 = 0
            return this;
        else if (A2.isScalar()) {
            double a2 = A2.scalarPart();
            // special case A^2 = +-alpha^2
            if (a2 < 0) {
                double alpha = Math.sqrt(-a2);
                return gp(subspace.util.MathU.sinh(alpha) / alpha);
            //hey: todo what if a2 == 0?
            else {
                double alpha = Math.sqrt(a2);
                return gp(Math.sin(alpha) / alpha);
        else return sinSeries(M, order);

    /** Evaluates sin using series . . .  (== SLOW & INPRECISE!) */
    protected Multivector sinSeries(Object M, int order) {
        Multivector scaled = this;

        // taylor approximation
        Multivector result = scaled;
            Multivector tmp = scaled;

            int sign = -1;
            for (int i = 2; i < order; i ++) {
                tmp = tmp._gp(scaled.gp(1.0 / i), M);
                if ((i & 1) != 0) {// only the odd part of the series
                    result = result.add(tmp.gp((double)sign));
                    sign *= -1;

        return result;

    /** @return cos of this */
    public Multivector cos() {
        return cos((Object)null, 12);
    /** @return cos of this under metric 'M' */
    public Multivector cos(Metric M) {
        return cos((Object)M, 12);
    /** @return cos of this under metric 'm' */
    public Multivector cos(double[] m) {
        return cos((Object)m, 12);

    protected Multivector cos(Object M, int order) {
        // check out this^2 for special cases
        Multivector A2 = this._gp(this, M).compress();
        if (A2.isNull(1e-8)) {
            // special case A^2 = 0
            return new Multivector(1);
        else if (A2.isScalar()) {
            double a2 = A2.scalarPart();
            // special case A^2 = +-alpha^2
            if (a2 < 0) {
                double alpha = Math.sqrt(-a2);
                return new Multivector(subspace.util.MathU.cosh(alpha));
            //hey: todo what if a2 == 0?
            else {
                double alpha = Math.sqrt(a2);
                return new Multivector(Math.cos(alpha));
        else return cosSeries(M, order);

    /** Evaluates cos using series . . .  (== SLOW & INPRECISE!) */
    protected Multivector cosSeries(Object M, int order) {
        Multivector scaled = this;

        // taylor approximation
        Multivector result = new Multivector(1.0); {
            Multivector tmp = scaled;

            int sign = -1;
            for (int i = 2; i < order; i ++) {
                tmp = tmp._gp(scaled.gp(1.0 / i), M);
                if ((i & 1) == 0) {// only the even part of the series
                    result = result.add(tmp.gp((double)sign));
                    sign *= -1;

        return result;

     * Can throw java.lang.ArithmeticException if multivector is null
     * @return unit under Euclidean norm
    public Multivector unit_e() {
        return unit_r();

    public double norm_e() {
        double s = scp(reverse());
        if (s < 0.0) return 0.0; // avoid FP round off causing negative 's'
        else return Math.sqrt(s);

    public double norm_e2() {
        double s = scp(reverse());
        if (s < 0.0) return 0.0; // avoid FP round off causing negative 's'
        return s;

     * Can throw java.lang.ArithmeticException if multivector is null
     * @return unit under 'reverse' norm (this / sqrt(abs(this.reverse(this))))
    public Multivector unit_r() {
        double s = scp(reverse());
        if (s == 0.0) throw new java.lang.ArithmeticException("null multivector");
        else return this.gp(1 / Math.sqrt(Math.abs(s)));

     * Can throw java.lang.ArithmeticException if multivector is null
     * @return unit under 'reverse' norm (this / sqrt(abs(this.reverse(this))))
    public Multivector unit_r(double[] m) {
        double s = scp(reverse(), m);
        if (s == 0.0) throw new java.lang.ArithmeticException("null multivector");
        else return this.gp(1 / Math.sqrt(Math.abs(s)));

     * Can throw java.lang.ArithmeticException if multivector is null
     * @return unit under 'reverse' norm (this / sqrt(abs(this.reverse(this))))
    public Multivector unit_r(Metric M) {
        double s = scp(reverse(), M);
        if (s == 0.0) throw new java.lang.ArithmeticException("null multivector");
        else return this.gp(1 / Math.sqrt(Math.abs(s)));

    /** @return true if this is really 0.0 */
    public boolean isNull() {
        return (blades.size() == 0);

    /** @return true if norm_e2 < epsilon * epsilon*/
    public boolean isNull(double epsilon) {
        double s = norm_e2();
        return (s < epsilon * epsilon);

    /** @return true is this is a scalar (0.0 is also a scalar) */
    public boolean isScalar() {
        if (isNull()) return true;
        else if (blades.size() == 1) {
            BasisBlade b = (BasisBlade)blades.get(0);
            return (b.bitmap == 0);
        else return false;

    /** @return reverse of this */
    public Multivector reverse() {
        ArrayList result = new ArrayList(blades.size());

        // loop over all basis lades, reverse them, add to result
        for (int i = 0; i < blades.size(); i++)

        return new Multivector(result);

    /** @return grade inversion of this */
    public Multivector gradeInversion() {
        ArrayList result = new ArrayList(blades.size());

        for (int i = 0; i < blades.size(); i++)

        return new Multivector(result);

    /** @return clifford conjugate of this */
    public Multivector cliffordConjugate() {
        ArrayList result = new ArrayList(blades.size());

        for (int i = 0; i < blades.size(); i++)

        return new Multivector(result);

     * Extracts grade 'g' from this multivector.
     * @return a new multivector of grade 'g'
    public Multivector extractGrade(int g) {
        return extractGrade(new int[]{g});

     * Extracts grade(s) 'G' from this multivector.
     * @return a new multivector of grade(s) 'G'
    public Multivector extractGrade(int[] G) {
        // what is the maximum grade to be extracted?
        int maxG = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < G.length; i++)
            if (G[i] > maxG) maxG = G[i];

        // create boolean array of what grade to keep
        boolean[] keep = new boolean[maxG + 1];
        for (int i = 0; i < G.length; i++)
            keep[G[i]] = true;

        // extract the grade, store in result:
        ArrayList result = new ArrayList();
        for (int i = 0; i < blades.size(); i++) {
            BasisBlade b = (BasisBlade)blades.get(i);
            int g = b.grade();
            if (g > maxG) continue;
            else if (keep[g]) result.add(b.copy());

        return new Multivector(result);

    public Multivector dual(int dim) {
        Multivector I = new Multivector(new BasisBlade((1 << dim)-1, 1.0));
        return ip(I.versorInverse(), LEFT_CONTRACTION);

    public Multivector dual(Metric M) {
        Multivector I = new Multivector(new BasisBlade((1 << M.getEigenMetric().length)-1, 1.0));
        return ip(I.versorInverse(), M, LEFT_CONTRACTION);

    public Multivector dual(double[] m) {
        Multivector I = new Multivector(new BasisBlade((1 << m.length)-1, 1.0));
        return ip(I.versorInverse(), m, LEFT_CONTRACTION);

    /** @return scalar part of 'this */
    public double scalarPart() {
        double s = 0.0;
        for (int i = 0; i < blades.size(); i++) {
            BasisBlade b = (BasisBlade)blades.get(i);
            if (b.bitmap == 0) s += b.scale;
        return s;

     * Can throw java.lang.ArithmeticException if versor is not invertible
     * @return inverse of this (assuming it is a versor, no check is made!)
    public Multivector versorInverse() {
        Multivector R = reverse();
        double s = scp(R);
        if (s == 0.0) throw new java.lang.ArithmeticException("non-invertible multivector");
        return R.gp(1.0 / s);

     * Can throw java.lang.ArithmeticException if versor is not invertible
     * @return inverse of this (assuming it is a versor, no check is made!)
    public Multivector versorInverse(Metric M) {
        Multivector R = reverse();
        double s = scp(R, M);
        if (s == 0.0) throw new java.lang.ArithmeticException("non-invertible multivector");
        return R.gp(1.0 / s);

     * Can throw java.lang.ArithmeticException if versor is not invertible
     * @return inverse of this (assuming it is a versor, no check is made!)
    public Multivector versorInverse(double[] m) {
        Multivector R = reverse();
        double s = scp(R, m);
        if (s == 0.0) throw new java.lang.ArithmeticException("non-invertible multivector");
        return R.gp(1.0 / s);

     * Can throw java.lang.ArithmeticException if blade is not invertible
     * @return inverse of arbitrary multivector.
    public Multivector generalInverse(Object metric) {
        int dim = spaceDim();

        cern.colt.matrix.DoubleMatrix2D M =
        cern.colt.matrix.DoubleFactory2D.dense.make(1 << dim, 1 << dim);

        // create all unit basis blades for 'dim'
        BasisBlade[] B = new BasisBlade[1 << dim];
        for (int i = 0; i < (1 << dim); i++)
            B[i] = new BasisBlade(i);

        // construct a matrix 'M' such that matrix multiplication of 'M' with
        // the coordinates of another multivector 'x' (stored in a vector)
        // would result in the geometric product of 'M' and 'x'
        for (int i = 0; i < blades.size(); i++) {
            BasisBlade b = (BasisBlade)blades.get(i);
            for (int j = 0; j < (1 << dim); j++) {
            if (metric == null)
                addToMatrix(M, b, B[j], BasisBlade.gp(b, B[j]));
            else if (metric instanceof Metric)
                addToMatrix(M, b, B[j], BasisBlade.gp(b, B[j], (Metric)metric));
            else if (metric instanceof double[])
                addToMatrix(M, b, B[j], BasisBlade.gp(b, B[j], (double[])metric));

        // try to invert matrix (can fail, then we throw an exception)
        cern.colt.matrix.DoubleMatrix2D IM = null;
        try {
            IM = cern.colt.matrix.linalg.Algebra.DEFAULT.inverse(M);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new java.lang.ArithmeticException("Multivector is not invertible");

        // reconstruct multivector from first column of matrix
        ArrayList result = new ArrayList();
        for (int j = 0; j < (1 << dim); j++) {
            double v = IM.getQuick(j, 0);
            if (v != 0.0) {
            B[j].scale = v;
        return new Multivector(result);

    protected static void addToMatrix(cern.colt.matrix.DoubleMatrix2D M,
        BasisBlade alpha, BasisBlade beta, BasisBlade gamma) {
        // add gamma.scale to matrix entry M[gamma.bitmap, beta.bitmap]
        double v = M.getQuick(gamma.bitmap, beta.bitmap);
        M.setQuick(gamma.bitmap, beta.bitmap, v + gamma.scale);

    protected static void addToMatrix(cern.colt.matrix.DoubleMatrix2D M,
        BasisBlade alpha, BasisBlade beta, ArrayList gamma) {
        for (int i = 0; i < gamma.size(); i++)
            addToMatrix(M, alpha, beta, (BasisBlade)gamma.get(i));

    /** @return simplification of this multivector (the same Multivector, but blades array can be changed) */
    public Multivector simplify() {
        return this;

    /** @return abs(largest coordinate) of 'this' */
    public double largestCoordinate() {
        double lc = 0.0;
        for (int i = 0; i < blades.size(); i++) {
            BasisBlade b = (BasisBlade)blades.get(i);
            lc = Math.max(Math.abs(b.scale), lc);
        return lc;

    /** @return abs(largest BasisBlade) of 'this' */
    public BasisBlade largestBasisBlade() {
        BasisBlade bestBlade = null;
        double bestScale = -1.0;
        for (int i = 0; i < blades.size(); i++) {
            BasisBlade b = (BasisBlade)blades.get(i);
            if (Math.abs(b.scale) > bestScale) {
            bestScale = Math.abs(b.scale);
            bestBlade = b;
        return bestBlade;

    /** @return the grade of this if homogeneous, -1 otherwise.
     * 0 is return for null Multivectors.
    public int grade() {
        int g = -1;
        for (int i = 0; i < blades.size(); i++) {
            BasisBlade b = (BasisBlade)blades.get(i);
            if (g < 0) g = b.grade();
            else if (g != b.grade()) return -1;
        return (g < 0) ? 0 : g;

    /** @return bitmap of grades that are in use in 'this'*/
    public int gradeUsage() {
        int gu = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < blades.size(); i++) {
            BasisBlade b = (BasisBlade)blades.get(i);
            gu |= 1 << b.grade();
        return gu;

    /** @return index of highest grade in use in 'this'*/
    public int topGradeIndex() {
        int maxG = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < blades.size(); i++) {
            BasisBlade b = (BasisBlade)blades.get(i);
            maxG = Math.max(b.grade(), maxG);
        return maxG;

    /** @return the largest grade part of this */
    public Multivector largestGradePart() {

        Multivector maxGP = null;
        double maxNorm = -1.0;
        int gu = gradeUsage();
        for (int i = 0; i <= topGradeIndex(); i++) {
            if ((gu & (1 << i)) == 0) continue;
            Multivector GP = extractGrade(i);
            double n = GP.norm_e();
            if (n > maxNorm) {
            maxGP = GP;
            maxNorm = n;

        return (maxGP == null) ? new Multivector() : maxGP;

    /** @return dimension of space this blade (apparently) lives in */
    protected int spaceDim() {
        int maxD = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < blades.size(); i++) {
            BasisBlade b = (BasisBlade)blades.get(i);
            maxD = Math.max(subspace.util.Bits.highestOneBit(b.bitmap), maxD);
        return maxD+1;

     * Currently removes all basis blades with |scale| less than epsilon
     * Old version did this:
     * Removes basis blades with whose |scale| is less than <code>epsilon * maxMag</code> where
     * maxMag is the |scale| of the largest basis blade.
     * @return 'Compressed' version of this (the same Multivector, but blades array can be changed)
    public Multivector compress(double epsilon) {

        // find maximum magnitude:
        double maxMag = 0.0;
        for (int i = 0; i < blades.size(); i++) {
            BasisBlade b = (BasisBlade)blades.get(i);
            maxMag = Math.max(Math.abs(b.scale), maxMag);
        if (maxMag == 0.0) {
        else {
            // premultiply maxMag
            maxMag = epsilon; // used to read *=

            // remove basis blades with too low scale
            for (Iterator I = blades.iterator(); I.hasNext(); ) {
            BasisBlade b = (BasisBlade)I.next();
            if (Math.abs(b.scale) < maxMag)
        return this;

    /** shortcut to compress(1e-13) */
    public Multivector compress() {
        return compress(1e-13);

    public ArrayList getBlades() {
        return (ArrayList)blades.clone();

    /** sorts by bitmap only */
    private static class BladesComperator implements java.util.Comparator {
        public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
            BasisBlade b1 = (BasisBlade)o1;
            BasisBlade b2 = (BasisBlade)o2;
            if (b1.bitmap < b2.bitmap) return -1;
            else if (b1.bitmap > b2.bitmap) return 1;
            else return 0;

    /** simplifies list of basis blades; List is modified in the process */
    protected static ArrayList simplify(ArrayList L) {
        Collections.sort(L, new BladesComperator()); // sort by bitmap only
        BasisBlade prevBlade = null;
        boolean removeNullBlades = false;
        for (Iterator I = L.iterator(); I.hasNext(); ) {
            BasisBlade curBlade = (BasisBlade)I.next();
            if (curBlade.scale == 0.0) {
            prevBlade = null;
            else if ((prevBlade != null) && (prevBlade.bitmap == curBlade.bitmap)) {
            prevBlade.scale += curBlade.scale;
            else {
            if ((prevBlade != null) && (prevBlade.scale == 0.0))
                removeNullBlades = true;
            prevBlade = curBlade;

        if (removeNullBlades) {
            for (Iterator I = L.iterator(); I.hasNext(); ) {
            BasisBlade curBlade = (BasisBlade)I.next();
            if (curBlade.scale == 0.0)

        return L;

    /** replaces all BasisBlades found in array L */
    protected static ArrayList cloneArrayElements(ArrayList L) {
        for (int i = 0; i < L.size(); i++) {
            L.set(i, ((BasisBlade)L.get(i)).clone());
        return L;

    /** sorts the blade in 'blades' based on bitmap only */
    protected void sortBlades() {
        if (bladesSorted) return;
        else {
            Collections.sort(blades, new BladesComperator());
            bladesSorted = true;

    /** For internal use; M can be null, Metric or double[] */
    protected Multivector _gp(Multivector x, Object M) {
        if (M == null) return gp(x);
        else if (M instanceof Metric) return gp(x, (Metric)M);
        else return gp(x, (double[])M);

    /** For internal use; M can be null, Metric or double[] */
    protected double _scp(Multivector x, Object M) {
        if (M == null) return scp(x);
        else if (M instanceof Metric) return scp(x, (Metric)M);
        else return scp(x, (double[])M);

    /** For internal use; M can be null, Metric or double[] */
    protected Multivector _versorInverse(Object M) {
        if (M == null) return versorInverse();
        else if (M instanceof Metric) return versorInverse((Metric)M);
        else return versorInverse((double[])M);

    /** list of basis blades */
    protected ArrayList blades = null;

    /** when true, the blades have been sorted on bitmap */
    protected boolean bladesSorted = false;

} // end of class Multivector

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