// Generated on 2007-08-08 10:15:12 by G2 0.1 from 'E:\gasandbox\ga_sandbox\libgasandbox\e2ga.gs2'

// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.

// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <math.h>
    #include <string>

    #include "mvtypebase.h"

    // pre_h_include

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <math.h>

    #ifndef _GA_e2ga_h_H_
    #define _GA_e2ga_h_H_

    namespace e2ga {

    // multivector types:
    enum g2Type {
        MVT_NONE = -1,
            MVT_E1_T = 10,
            MVT_E2_T = 11,
            MVT_SCALAR = 12,
            MVT_VECTOR = 13,
            MVT_BIVECTOR = 14,
            MVT_ROTOR = 15,
            MVT___E1_CT__ = 16,
            MVT___E2_CT__ = 17,
            MVT___I2_CT__ = 18,
            MVT___I2I_CT__ = 19,
            MVT_MV = 8,
            MVT_LAST = 20

    // outermorphism types:
    enum omType {
        OMT_NONE = -2,
            OMT_OM = 9,
            OMT_LAST = 20

    // grade definitions that can be joined using the '|' operator:
    const int GRADE_0 = 1;
    const int GRADE_1 = 2;
    const int GRADE_2 = 4;

    // The dimension of the space:
    extern const int mv_spaceDim;

    // Is the metric of the space Euclidean?
    extern const bool mv_metricEuclidean;

    // This array can be used to lookup the number of coordinates for a grade part of a general multivector
    extern const int mv_gradeSize[3];

    // This array can be used to lookup the number of coordinates based on a grade usage bitmap
    extern const int mv_size[8];

    // This array of ASCIIZ strings contains the names of the basis vectors
    extern const char *mv_basisVectorNames[2];

    // This array of integers contains the order of basis elements in the general multivector
    // Use it to answer: 'what basis vectors are in the basis element at position [x]?
    extern const int mv_basisElements[4][3];

    // This array of integers contains the 'sign' (even/odd permutation of canonical order) of basis elements in the general multivector
    // Use it to answer 'what is the permutation of the coordinate at index [x]'?
    extern const double mv_basisElementSignByIndex[4];

    // This array of integers contains the 'sign' (even/odd permutation of canonical order) of basis elements in the general multivector
    // Use it to answer 'what is the permutation of the coordinate of bitmap [x]'?
    extern const double mv_basisElementSignByBitmap[4];

    // This array of integers contains the order of basis elements in the general multivector
    // Use it to answer: 'at what index do I find basis element [x] (x = basis vector bitmap)?'
    extern const int mv_basisElementIndexByBitmap[4];

    // This array of integers contains the indices of basis elements in the general multivector
    // Use it to answer: 'what basis element do I find at index [x]'?
    extern const int mv_basisElementBitmapByIndex[4];

    // This array of grade of each basis elements in the general multivector
    // Use it to answer: 'what is the grade of basis element bitmap [x]'?
    extern const int mv_basisElementGradeByBitmap[4];

    /* *************************************************************************** */
    /* *************************** define all classes upfront *************************** */
    /* *************************************************************************** */
    class e1_t;
    class e2_t;
    class scalar;
    class vector;
    class bivector;
    class rotor;
    class __e1_ct__;
    class __e2_ct__;
    class __I2_ct__;
    class __I2i_ct__;
    class mv;
    class om;

    // exception handling:
    const int MV_EXCEPTION_WARNING = 1;
    const int MV_EXCEPTION_ERROR = 2;
    // Exception mechanism: ignore & pray
    inline void mv_throw_exception(const char *msg, int level) {}

    // You can alter the formatting of 'string()' through this function.
    // 'format' = NULL will give you back the default.
    void mv_setStringFormat(const char *what, const char *format = NULL);

    extern const char *mv_string_fp; /* = \"%2.2f\" */
    extern const char *mv_string_start; /* = \"\" */
    extern const char *mv_string_end; /* = \"\" */
    extern const char *mv_string_mul; /* = \"*\" */
    extern const char *mv_string_wedge; /* = \"^\" */
    extern const char *mv_string_plus; /* = \" + \" */
    extern const char *mv_string_minus; /* = \" - \" */

    // declaration of profiling functions
    namespace g2Profiling {
        void profile(unsigned int funcIdx, unsigned short storageTypeIdx, unsigned short nbArg,
            unsigned short argType[], int nbReturnType, unsigned short returnType[]);
        void reset();
        void save(const char *filename = "E:\\gasandbox\\ga_sandbox\\libgasandbox\\e2ga.gp2", bool append = true);
        void init(const char *filename = "E:\\gasandbox\\ga_sandbox\\libgasandbox\\e2ga.gp2",
            const char *hostName = "localhost", int port = 7693);
    } // end of namespace g2Profiling

    inline void mv_memcpy(float *to, const float *from, const int nb) {
        memcpy(to, from, sizeof(float) * nb);

    inline void mv_zero(float *ptr, const int nb) {
        memset(ptr, 0, sizeof(float) * nb);

    // a is any number, b is positive number
    inline bool mv_absLessThan(const float a, const float b) {
        return ((a > b) || (a < -b));

    inline float mv_stringToNumber(const char *asciiz) {
        return (float)atof(asciiz);

    void updateCoordinateString(const mv &x, char **cs, size_t &csl);
    char *c_str(const mv &  obj, const char *fp = NULL);
    std::string toString(const mv &  obj, const char *fp = NULL);

    inline char *c_str_f(const mv &  obj) {return c_str(obj, "%f");}
    inline char *c_str_e(const mv &  obj) {return c_str(obj, "%e");}
    inline char *c_str_e20(const mv &  obj) {return c_str(obj, "%2.20e");}

    inline std::string toString_f(const mv &  obj) {return toString(obj, "%f");}
    inline std::string toString_e(const mv &  obj) {return toString(obj, "%e");}
    inline std::string toString_e20(const mv &  obj) {return toString(obj, "%2.20e");}

    class mv {
            typedef float Float;

        /// zero constructor
        inline mv () {


        /// copy constructor (MUST PASS BY REFERENCE)
        inline mv(const mv &arg1) {


        /// scalar constructor
        inline mv(Float scalar) {


        /// pointer to coordinates constructor
        inline mv(unsigned int gradeUsage, const Float *coordinates) {

            set(gradeUsage, coordinates);

        /// all 'coordinates specified' constructors
        inline mv(unsigned int gradeUsage
        , Float c0) {

                , c0);
        /// all 'coordinates specified' constructors
        inline mv(unsigned int gradeUsage
        , Float c0, Float c1) {

                , c0, c1);
        /// all 'coordinates specified' constructors
        inline mv(unsigned int gradeUsage
        , Float c0, Float c1, Float c2) {

                , c0, c1, c2);
        /// all 'coordinates specified' constructors
        inline mv(unsigned int gradeUsage
        , Float c0, Float c1, Float c2, Float c3) {

                , c0, c1, c2, c3);

        /// init from e1_t constructor
        inline mv(const e1_t &arg1) {
        /// init from e2_t constructor
        inline mv(const e2_t &arg1) {
        /// init from scalar constructor
        inline mv(const scalar &arg1) {
        /// init from vector constructor
        inline mv(const vector &arg1) {
        /// init from bivector constructor
        inline mv(const bivector &arg1) {
        /// init from rotor constructor
        inline mv(const rotor &arg1) {
        /// init from __e1_ct__ constructor
        inline mv(const __e1_ct__ &arg1) {
        /// init from __e2_ct__ constructor
        inline mv(const __e2_ct__ &arg1) {
        /// init from __I2_ct__ constructor
        inline mv(const __I2_ct__ &arg1) {
        /// init from __I2i_ct__ constructor
        inline mv(const __I2i_ct__ &arg1) {

        /// set to null
        void set();

        /// set to copy
        void set(const mv &arg1);

        /// set to scalar
        void set(Float scalar);

        /// pointer to coordinates constructor
        void set(unsigned int gradeUsage, const Float *coordinates);

        /// set to 'coordinates specified' 
        void set (unsigned int gradeUsage
            , Float c0);
        /// set to 'coordinates specified' 
        void set (unsigned int gradeUsage
            , Float c0, Float c1);
        /// set to 'coordinates specified' 
        void set (unsigned int gradeUsage
            , Float c0, Float c1, Float c2);
        /// set to 'coordinates specified' 
        void set (unsigned int gradeUsage
            , Float c0, Float c1, Float c2, Float c3);

        /// set to e1_t 
        void set(const e1_t &arg1);
        /// set to e2_t 
        void set(const e2_t &arg1);
        /// set to scalar 
        void set(const scalar &arg1);
        /// set to vector 
        void set(const vector &arg1);
        /// set to bivector 
        void set(const bivector &arg1);
        /// set to rotor 
        void set(const rotor &arg1);
        /// set to __e1_ct__ 
        void set(const __e1_ct__ &arg1);
        /// set to __e2_ct__ 
        void set(const __e2_ct__ &arg1);
        /// set to __I2_ct__ 
        void set(const __I2_ct__ &arg1);
        /// set to __I2i_ct__ 
        void set(const __I2i_ct__ &arg1);

        /// assign copy
        mv &operator=(const mv &arg1);

        /// assign scalar
        mv &operator=(Float scalar);

        /// assign e1_t 
        mv&operator=(const e1_t& arg1);
        /// assign e2_t 
        mv&operator=(const e2_t& arg1);
        /// assign scalar 
        mv&operator=(const scalar& arg1);
        /// assign vector 
        mv&operator=(const vector& arg1);
        /// assign bivector 
        mv&operator=(const bivector& arg1);
        /// assign rotor 
        mv&operator=(const rotor& arg1);
        /// assign __e1_ct__ 
        mv&operator=(const __e1_ct__& arg1);
        /// assign __e2_ct__ 
        mv&operator=(const __e2_ct__& arg1);
        /// assign __I2_ct__ 
        mv&operator=(const __I2_ct__& arg1);
        /// assign __I2i_ct__ 
        mv&operator=(const __I2i_ct__& arg1);

        void compress(Float epsilon = 0.0);
        inline Float const *nullFloats() const {
            static Float *nf = NULL;
            if (nf == NULL) nf = new Float[4];
            return nf;
        void expand(const Float *ptrs[], bool nulls = true) const;
        /// returns the absolute largest coordinate
        Float largestCoordinate() const;
        /// returns the absolute largest coordinate, and the corresponding basis blade bitmap 
        Float largestBasisBlade(unsigned int &bm) const;

        /// converts this multvector to an array of basis blade bitmaps and coordinates (returns number of blades)
        int toBasisBladeBitmapArray(unsigned int *bitmaps, Float *coords);

        /// coordinate extraction by name
        inline Float e1() const {
            if (gu() & 2)
                return m_c[mv_size[gu() & 1] + 0];
            else return (float)0.0;
        inline Float e2() const {
            if (gu() & 2)
                return m_c[mv_size[gu() & 1] + 1];
            else return (float)0.0;
        inline Float e1e2() const {
            if (gu() & 4)
                return m_c[mv_size[gu() & 3] + 0];
            else return (float)0.0;

        // coordinate storage, grade usage
        Float m_c[4]; ///< coordinate storage (TODO: if parity pure, allocate only half of the coordinates!!!)
        unsigned int m_gu; ///< grade usage
        inline unsigned int gu() const {return m_gu;}
        inline void gu(unsigned int g) {m_gu = g;}

        inline const char * c_str(const char *fp = NULL) const {
            return ::e2ga::c_str(*this, fp);
        inline const char * c_str_f() const {return c_str("%f");}
        inline const char * c_str_e() const {return c_str("%e");}
        inline const char * c_str_e20() const {return c_str("%2.20e");}

        inline std::string toString(const char *fp = NULL) const {
            return ::e2ga::toString(*this, fp);
        inline std::string toString_f() const {return toString("%f");}
        inline std::string toString_e() const {return toString("%e");}
        inline std::string toString_e20() const {return toString("%2.20e");}

    }; // end of class mv 

    char *string(const mv & obj, char *str, int maxLength, const char *fp = NULL);
    // this function should be deprecated (conflicts with C++ stdlib)
    char *string(const mv & obj, const char *fp = NULL);

    mv mv_compress(const float *coordinates, float epsilon = (float)0.0, int gu = 4 * 2 -1);
    mv mv_compress(int nbBlades, const unsigned int *bitmaps, const mv::Float *coords);

    // underscore 'constructors' for float types:

    /// returns scalar part of arg1 as float
    inline float _float(const mv & arg1) {
        return (arg1.m_gu & 1) ? (float)arg1.m_c[0] : 0.0f;
    /// returns scalar part of arg1 as double
    inline double _double(const mv & arg1) {
        return (arg1.m_gu & 1) ? (double)arg1.m_c[0] : 0.0;
    /// returns scalar part of arg1 as Float
    inline float _Float(const mv & arg1) {
        return (arg1.m_gu & 1) ? arg1.m_c[0] : (float)0.0;

    // like example constructors, for use with templates
    /// underscore constructor from general multivector:
    inline const mv like(const mv &what, const mv &example) {return what;}
    inline mv like(mv &what, const mv &example) {return what;}

    /// converts this multvector to an array of basis blade bitmaps and coordinates  (returns number of blades)
    inline int mv::toBasisBladeBitmapArray(unsigned int *bitmaps, mv::Float *coords) {
        int idxB = 0;
        int idxC = 0;
        if (m_gu & 1) {
            if (m_c[idxC] != (Float)0.0) {
                bitmaps[idxB] = 0; coords[idxB] = m_c[idxC]; idxB++;}
        if (m_gu & 2) {
            if (m_c[idxC] != (Float)0.0) {
                bitmaps[idxB] = 1; coords[idxB] = m_c[idxC]; idxB++;}
            if (m_c[idxC] != (Float)0.0) {
                bitmaps[idxB] = 2; coords[idxB] = m_c[idxC]; idxB++;}
        if (m_gu & 4) {
            if (m_c[idxC] != (Float)0.0) {
                bitmaps[idxB] = 3; coords[idxB] = m_c[idxC]; idxB++;}
        return idxB;

    /// enum for the coordinates of e1_t 
    enum __e1_t_coordinates__ {e1_t_e1};

    class e1_t {
            typedef float Float;

        /// zero constructor
        inline e1_t() {


        /// scalar constructor 
        inline e1_t(Float s, int filler) { // filler can have any value, it simply prevents implicit conversion from Float -> e1_t   

        /// copy constructor (MUST PASS BY REFERENCE)
        inline e1_t(const e1_t &arg1) {


        /// general multivector constructor (that can not be selected for implicit conversion by C++)
        inline e1_t(const mv &arg1, int filler) { // filler can have any value, it simply prevents implicit conversion from mv -> e1_t   

        /// pointer to coordinates constructor
        inline e1_t(__e1_t_coordinates__, const Float *coordinates) {

            set(e1_t_e1, coordinates);

        /// coordinates constructor
        inline e1_t(__e1_t_coordinates__, Float c_e1) {

            set(e1_t_e1, c_e1);

        /// set to null
        void set();

        /// set to scalar
        void set(Float s);

        /// set to copy
        void set(const e1_t &arg1);

        /// set to copy of general multivector
        void set(const mv &arg1);

        /// pointer to coordinates constructor
        void set(__e1_t_coordinates__, const Float *coordinates);

        /// set to coordinates
        void set(__e1_t_coordinates__, Float c_e1);

        /// assign copy
        e1_t &operator=(const e1_t &arg1);

        /// assign general multivector
        e1_t &operator=(const mv &arg1);

        /// assign scalar
        e1_t &operator=(Float scalarVal);

        /// returns absolute largest coordinate
        Float largestCoordinate() const;
        /// returns the absolute largest coordinate, and the corresponding basis blade bitmap 
        Float largestBasisBlade(unsigned int &bm) const;

        /// coordinate extraction by name
        inline Float e1() const {
            return m_c[0];

        /// const coordinate extraction by name

        /// get all coordinates (returns NULL for fully constant specialization
        const Float *getC(__e1_t_coordinates__ sanityCheckValue) const {
            return m_c;

        /// coordinate storage
        Float m_c[1];

        inline const char * c_str(const char *fp = NULL) const {
            return ::e2ga::c_str(*this, fp);

        inline const char * c_str_f() const {return c_str("%f");}
        inline const char * c_str_e() const {return c_str("%e");}
        inline const char * c_str_e20() const {return c_str("%2.20e");}

        inline std::string toString(const char *fp = NULL) const {
            return ::e2ga::toString(*this, fp);

        inline std::string toString_f() const {return toString("%f");}
        inline std::string toString_e() const {return toString("%e");}
        inline std::string toString_e20() const {return toString("%2.20e");}

    }; // end of class e1_t 

    /* 'underscore constructors' */
    /// underscore constructor from general multivector:
    inline e1_t _e1_t(const mv &arg1) {
        return e1_t(arg1, 0);
    /// from const specialization class:
    inline const e1_t &_e1_t(const e1_t &arg1) {
        return arg1;
    /// from non-const specialization class:
    inline e1_t &_e1_t(e1_t &arg1) {
        return arg1;
    /// from Float:
    inline e1_t _e1_t(e1_t::Float arg1) {
        return e1_t(arg1, 0); // 0 = filler; can have any value, it simply prevents implicit conversion from mv -> vector    

    // like example constructors, for use with templates
    /// underscore constructor from general multivector:
    inline e1_t like(const mv &what, const e1_t &example) {return _e1_t(what);}
    /// from const specialization class:
    inline const e1_t like(const e1_t &what, const e1_t &example) {return _e1_t(what);}
    /// from non-const specialization class:
    inline e1_t like(e1_t &what, const e1_t &example) {return _e1_t(what);}

    // underscore 'constructors' for float types:

    /// returns scalar part of v as float
    inline float _float(const e1_t & v) {
        return (float)0;
    /// returns scalar part of v as double
    inline double _double(const e1_t & v) {
        return (double)0;
    /// returns scalar part of v as Float
    inline float _Float(const e1_t & v) {
        return (float)0;

    /// enum for the coordinates of e2_t 
    enum __e2_t_coordinates__ {e2_t_e2};

    class e2_t {
            typedef float Float;

        /// zero constructor
        inline e2_t() {


        /// scalar constructor 
        inline e2_t(Float s, int filler) { // filler can have any value, it simply prevents implicit conversion from Float -> e2_t   

        /// copy constructor (MUST PASS BY REFERENCE)
        inline e2_t(const e2_t &arg1) {


        /// general multivector constructor (that can not be selected for implicit conversion by C++)
        inline e2_t(const mv &arg1, int filler) { // filler can have any value, it simply prevents implicit conversion from mv -> e2_t   

        /// pointer to coordinates constructor
        inline e2_t(__e2_t_coordinates__, const Float *coordinates) {

            set(e2_t_e2, coordinates);

        /// coordinates constructor
        inline e2_t(__e2_t_coordinates__, Float c_e2) {

            set(e2_t_e2, c_e2);

        /// set to null
        void set();

        /// set to scalar
        void set(Float s);

        /// set to copy
        void set(const e2_t &arg1);

        /// set to copy of general multivector
        void set(const mv &arg1);

        /// pointer to coordinates constructor
        void set(__e2_t_coordinates__, const Float *coordinates);

        /// set to coordinates
        void set(__e2_t_coordinates__, Float c_e2);

        /// assign copy
        e2_t &operator=(const e2_t &arg1);

        /// assign general multivector
        e2_t &operator=(const mv &arg1);

        /// assign scalar
        e2_t &operator=(Float scalarVal);

        /// returns absolute largest coordinate
        Float largestCoordinate() const;
        /// returns the absolute largest coordinate, and the corresponding basis blade bitmap 
        Float largestBasisBlade(unsigned int &bm) const;

        /// coordinate extraction by name
        inline Float e2() const {
            return m_c[0];

        /// const coordinate extraction by name

        /// get all coordinates (returns NULL for fully constant specialization
        const Float *getC(__e2_t_coordinates__ sanityCheckValue) const {
            return m_c;

        /// coordinate storage
        Float m_c[1];

        inline const char * c_str(const char *fp = NULL) const {
            return ::e2ga::c_str(*this, fp);

        inline const char * c_str_f() const {return c_str("%f");}
        inline const char * c_str_e() const {return c_str("%e");}
        inline const char * c_str_e20() const {return c_str("%2.20e");}

        inline std::string toString(const char *fp = NULL) const {
            return ::e2ga::toString(*this, fp);

        inline std::string toString_f() const {return toString("%f");}
        inline std::string toString_e() const {return toString("%e");}
        inline std::string toString_e20() const {return toString("%2.20e");}

    }; // end of class e2_t 

    /* 'underscore constructors' */
    /// underscore constructor from general multivector:
    inline e2_t _e2_t(const mv &arg1) {
        return e2_t(arg1, 0);
    /// from const specialization class:
    inline const e2_t &_e2_t(const e2_t &arg1) {
        return arg1;
    /// from non-const specialization class:
    inline e2_t &_e2_t(e2_t &arg1) {
        return arg1;
    /// from Float:
    inline e2_t _e2_t(e2_t::Float arg1) {
        return e2_t(arg1, 0); // 0 = filler; can have any value, it simply prevents implicit conversion from mv -> vector    

    // like example constructors, for use with templates
    /// underscore constructor from general multivector:
    inline e2_t like(const mv &what, const e2_t &example) {return _e2_t(what);}
    /// from const specialization class:
    inline const e2_t like(const e2_t &what, const e2_t &example) {return _e2_t(what);}
    /// from non-const specialization class:
    inline e2_t like(e2_t &what, const e2_t &example) {return _e2_t(what);}

    // underscore 'constructors' for float types:

    /// returns scalar part of v as float
    inline float _float(const e2_t & v) {
        return (float)0;
    /// returns scalar part of v as double
    inline double _double(const e2_t & v) {
        return (double)0;
    /// returns scalar part of v as Float
    inline float _Float(const e2_t & v) {
        return (float)0;

    /// enum for the coordinates of scalar 
    enum __scalar_coordinates__ {scalar_scalar};

    class scalar {
            typedef float Float;

        /// zero constructor
        inline scalar() {


        /// scalar constructor 
        inline scalar(Float s) {


        /// copy constructor (MUST PASS BY REFERENCE)
        inline scalar(const scalar &arg1) {


        /// general multivector constructor (that can not be selected for implicit conversion by C++)
        inline scalar(const mv &arg1, int filler) { // filler can have any value, it simply prevents implicit conversion from mv -> scalar   

        /// pointer to coordinates constructor
        inline scalar(__scalar_coordinates__, const Float *coordinates) {

            set(scalar_scalar, coordinates);

        /// coordinates constructor
        inline scalar(__scalar_coordinates__, Float c_scalar) {

            set(scalar_scalar, c_scalar);

        /// set to null
        void set();

        /// set to scalar
        void set(Float s);

        /// set to copy
        void set(const scalar &arg1);

        /// set to copy of general multivector
        void set(const mv &arg1);

        /// pointer to coordinates constructor
        void set(__scalar_coordinates__, const Float *coordinates);

        /// set to coordinates
        void set(__scalar_coordinates__, Float c_scalar);

        /// assign copy
        scalar &operator=(const scalar &arg1);

        /// assign general multivector
        scalar &operator=(const mv &arg1);

        /// assign scalar
        scalar &operator=(Float scalarVal);

        /// returns absolute largest coordinate
        Float largestCoordinate() const;
        /// returns the absolute largest coordinate, and the corresponding basis blade bitmap 
        Float largestBasisBlade(unsigned int &bm) const;

        /// coordinate extraction by name

        /// const coordinate extraction by name

        /// get all coordinates (returns NULL for fully constant specialization
        const Float *getC(__scalar_coordinates__ sanityCheckValue) const {
            return m_c;

        /// coordinate storage
        Float m_c[1];

        inline const char * c_str(const char *fp = NULL) const {
            return ::e2ga::c_str(*this, fp);

        inline const char * c_str_f() const {return c_str("%f");}
        inline const char * c_str_e() const {return c_str("%e");}
        inline const char * c_str_e20() const {return c_str("%2.20e");}

        inline std::string toString(const char *fp = NULL) const {
            return ::e2ga::toString(*this, fp);

        inline std::string toString_f() const {return toString("%f");}
        inline std::string toString_e() const {return toString("%e");}
        inline std::string toString_e20() const {return toString("%2.20e");}

    }; // end of class scalar 

    /* 'underscore constructors' */
    /// underscore constructor from general multivector:
    inline scalar _scalar(const mv &arg1) {
        return scalar(arg1, 0);
    /// from const specialization class:
    inline const scalar &_scalar(const scalar &arg1) {
        return arg1;
    /// from non-const specialization class:
    inline scalar &_scalar(scalar &arg1) {
        return arg1;
    /// from Float:
    inline scalar _scalar(scalar::Float arg1) {
        return scalar(arg1, 0); // 0 = filler; can have any value, it simply prevents implicit conversion from mv -> vector  

    // like example constructors, for use with templates
    /// underscore constructor from general multivector:
    inline scalar like(const mv &what, const scalar &example) {return _scalar(what);}
    /// from const specialization class:
    inline const scalar like(const scalar &what, const scalar &example) {return _scalar(what);}
    /// from non-const specialization class:
    inline scalar like(scalar &what, const scalar &example) {return _scalar(what);}

    // underscore 'constructors' for float types:

    /// returns scalar part of v as float
    inline float _float(const scalar & v) {
        return (float)v.m_c[0];
    /// returns scalar part of v as double
    inline double _double(const scalar & v) {
        return (double)v.m_c[0];
    /// returns scalar part of v as Float
    inline float _Float(const scalar & v) {
        return v.m_c[0];

    /// enum for the coordinates of vector 
    enum __vector_coordinates__ {vector_e1_e2};

    class vector {
            typedef float Float;

        /// zero constructor
        inline vector() {


        /// scalar constructor 
        inline vector(Float s, int filler) { // filler can have any value, it simply prevents implicit conversion from Float -> vector   

        /// copy constructor (MUST PASS BY REFERENCE)
        inline vector(const vector &arg1) {


        /// general multivector constructor (that can not be selected for implicit conversion by C++)
        inline vector(const mv &arg1, int filler) { // filler can have any value, it simply prevents implicit conversion from mv -> vector   

        /// pointer to coordinates constructor
        inline vector(__vector_coordinates__, const Float *coordinates) {

            set(vector_e1_e2, coordinates);

        /// coordinates constructor
        inline vector(__vector_coordinates__, Float c_e1, Float c_e2) {

            set(vector_e1_e2, c_e1, c_e2);

        /// set to null
        void set();

        /// set to scalar
        void set(Float s);

        /// set to copy
        void set(const vector &arg1);

        /// set to copy of general multivector
        void set(const mv &arg1);

        /// pointer to coordinates constructor
        void set(__vector_coordinates__, const Float *coordinates);

        /// set to coordinates
        void set(__vector_coordinates__, Float c_e1, Float c_e2);

        /// assign copy
        vector &operator=(const vector &arg1);

        /// assign general multivector
        vector &operator=(const mv &arg1);

        /// assign scalar
        vector &operator=(Float scalarVal);

        /// returns absolute largest coordinate
        Float largestCoordinate() const;
        /// returns the absolute largest coordinate, and the corresponding basis blade bitmap 
        Float largestBasisBlade(unsigned int &bm) const;

        /// coordinate extraction by name
        inline Float e1() const {
            return m_c[0];
        inline Float e2() const {
            return m_c[1];

        /// const coordinate extraction by name

        /// get all coordinates (returns NULL for fully constant specialization
        const Float *getC(__vector_coordinates__ sanityCheckValue) const {
            return m_c;

        /// coordinate storage
        Float m_c[2];

        inline const char * c_str(const char *fp = NULL) const {
            return ::e2ga::c_str(*this, fp);

        inline const char * c_str_f() const {return c_str("%f");}
        inline const char * c_str_e() const {return c_str("%e");}
        inline const char * c_str_e20() const {return c_str("%2.20e");}

        inline std::string toString(const char *fp = NULL) const {
            return ::e2ga::toString(*this, fp);

        inline std::string toString_f() const {return toString("%f");}
        inline std::string toString_e() const {return toString("%e");}
        inline std::string toString_e20() const {return toString("%2.20e");}

    }; // end of class vector 

    /* 'underscore constructors' */
    /// underscore constructor from general multivector:
    inline vector _vector(const mv &arg1) {
        return vector(arg1, 0);
    /// from const specialization class:
    inline const vector &_vector(const vector &arg1) {
        return arg1;
    /// from non-const specialization class:
    inline vector &_vector(vector &arg1) {
        return arg1;
    /// from Float:
    inline vector _vector(vector::Float arg1) {
        return vector(arg1, 0); // 0 = filler; can have any value, it simply prevents implicit conversion from mv -> vector  

    // like example constructors, for use with templates
    /// underscore constructor from general multivector:
    inline vector like(const mv &what, const vector &example) {return _vector(what);}
    /// from const specialization class:
    inline const vector like(const vector &what, const vector &example) {return _vector(what);}
    /// from non-const specialization class:
    inline vector like(vector &what, const vector &example) {return _vector(what);}

    // underscore 'constructors' for float types:

    /// returns scalar part of v as float
    inline float _float(const vector & v) {
        return (float)0;
    /// returns scalar part of v as double
    inline double _double(const vector & v) {
        return (double)0;
    /// returns scalar part of v as Float
    inline float _Float(const vector & v) {
        return (float)0;

    /// enum for the coordinates of bivector 
    enum __bivector_coordinates__ {bivector_e1e2};

    class bivector {
            typedef float Float;

        /// zero constructor
        inline bivector() {


        /// scalar constructor 
        inline bivector(Float s, int filler) { // filler can have any value, it simply prevents implicit conversion from Float -> bivector   

        /// copy constructor (MUST PASS BY REFERENCE)
        inline bivector(const bivector &arg1) {


        /// general multivector constructor (that can not be selected for implicit conversion by C++)
        inline bivector(const mv &arg1, int filler) { // filler can have any value, it simply prevents implicit conversion from mv -> bivector   

        /// pointer to coordinates constructor
        inline bivector(__bivector_coordinates__, const Float *coordinates) {

            set(bivector_e1e2, coordinates);

        /// coordinates constructor
        inline bivector(__bivector_coordinates__, Float c_e1e2) {

            set(bivector_e1e2, c_e1e2);

        /// set to null
        void set();

        /// set to scalar
        void set(Float s);

        /// set to copy
        void set(const bivector &arg1);

        /// set to copy of general multivector
        void set(const mv &arg1);

        /// pointer to coordinates constructor
        void set(__bivector_coordinates__, const Float *coordinates);

        /// set to coordinates
        void set(__bivector_coordinates__, Float c_e1e2);

        /// assign copy
        bivector &operator=(const bivector &arg1);

        /// assign general multivector
        bivector &operator=(const mv &arg1);

        /// assign scalar
        bivector &operator=(Float scalarVal);

        /// returns absolute largest coordinate
        Float largestCoordinate() const;
        /// returns the absolute largest coordinate, and the corresponding basis blade bitmap 
        Float largestBasisBlade(unsigned int &bm) const;

        /// coordinate extraction by name
        inline Float e1e2() const {
            return m_c[0];

        /// const coordinate extraction by name

        /// get all coordinates (returns NULL for fully constant specialization
        const Float *getC(__bivector_coordinates__ sanityCheckValue) const {
            return m_c;

        /// coordinate storage
        Float m_c[1];

        inline const char * c_str(const char *fp = NULL) const {
            return ::e2ga::c_str(*this, fp);

        inline const char * c_str_f() const {return c_str("%f");}
        inline const char * c_str_e() const {return c_str("%e");}
        inline const char * c_str_e20() const {return c_str("%2.20e");}

        inline std::string toString(const char *fp = NULL) const {
            return ::e2ga::toString(*this, fp);

        inline std::string toString_f() const {return toString("%f");}
        inline std::string toString_e() const {return toString("%e");}
        inline std::string toString_e20() const {return toString("%2.20e");}

    }; // end of class bivector 

    /* 'underscore constructors' */
    /// underscore constructor from general multivector:
    inline bivector _bivector(const mv &arg1) {
        return bivector(arg1, 0);
    /// from const specialization class:
    inline const bivector &_bivector(const bivector &arg1) {
        return arg1;
    /// from non-const specialization class:
    inline bivector &_bivector(bivector &arg1) {
        return arg1;
    /// from Float:
    inline bivector _bivector(bivector::Float arg1) {
        return bivector(arg1, 0); // 0 = filler; can have any value, it simply prevents implicit conversion from mv -> vector    

    // like example constructors, for use with templates
    /// underscore constructor from general multivector:
    inline bivector like(const mv &what, const bivector &example) {return _bivector(what);}
    /// from const specialization class:
    inline const bivector like(const bivector &what, const bivector &example) {return _bivector(what);}
    /// from non-const specialization class:
    inline bivector like(bivector &what, const bivector &example) {return _bivector(what);}

    // underscore 'constructors' for float types:

    /// returns scalar part of v as float
    inline float _float(const bivector & v) {
        return (float)0;
    /// returns scalar part of v as double
    inline double _double(const bivector & v) {
        return (double)0;
    /// returns scalar part of v as Float
    inline float _Float(const bivector & v) {
        return (float)0;

    /// enum for the coordinates of rotor 
    enum __rotor_coordinates__ {rotor_scalar_e1e2};

    class rotor {
            typedef float Float;

        /// zero constructor
        inline rotor() {


        /// scalar constructor 
        inline rotor(Float s, int filler) { // filler can have any value, it simply prevents implicit conversion from Float -> rotor     

        /// copy constructor (MUST PASS BY REFERENCE)
        inline rotor(const rotor &arg1) {


        /// general multivector constructor (that can not be selected for implicit conversion by C++)
        inline rotor(const mv &arg1, int filler) { // filler can have any value, it simply prevents implicit conversion from mv -> rotor     

        /// pointer to coordinates constructor
        inline rotor(__rotor_coordinates__, const Float *coordinates) {

            set(rotor_scalar_e1e2, coordinates);

        /// coordinates constructor
        inline rotor(__rotor_coordinates__, Float c_scalar, Float c_e1e2) {

            set(rotor_scalar_e1e2, c_scalar, c_e1e2);

        /// set to null
        void set();

        /// set to scalar
        void set(Float s);

        /// set to copy
        void set(const rotor &arg1);

        /// set to copy of general multivector
        void set(const mv &arg1);

        /// pointer to coordinates constructor
        void set(__rotor_coordinates__, const Float *coordinates);

        /// set to coordinates
        void set(__rotor_coordinates__, Float c_scalar, Float c_e1e2);

        /// assign copy
        rotor &operator=(const rotor &arg1);

        /// assign general multivector
        rotor &operator=(const mv &arg1);

        /// assign scalar
        rotor &operator=(Float scalarVal);

        /// returns absolute largest coordinate
        Float largestCoordinate() const;
        /// returns the absolute largest coordinate, and the corresponding basis blade bitmap 
        Float largestBasisBlade(unsigned int &bm) const;

        /// coordinate extraction by name
        inline Float e1e2() const {
            return m_c[1];

        /// const coordinate extraction by name

        /// get all coordinates (returns NULL for fully constant specialization
        const Float *getC(__rotor_coordinates__ sanityCheckValue) const {
            return m_c;

        /// coordinate storage
        Float m_c[2];

        inline const char * c_str(const char *fp = NULL) const {
            return ::e2ga::c_str(*this, fp);

        inline const char * c_str_f() const {return c_str("%f");}
        inline const char * c_str_e() const {return c_str("%e");}
        inline const char * c_str_e20() const {return c_str("%2.20e");}

        inline std::string toString(const char *fp = NULL) const {
            return ::e2ga::toString(*this, fp);

        inline std::string toString_f() const {return toString("%f");}
        inline std::string toString_e() const {return toString("%e");}
        inline std::string toString_e20() const {return toString("%2.20e");}

    }; // end of class rotor 

    /* 'underscore constructors' */
    /// underscore constructor from general multivector:
    inline rotor _rotor(const mv &arg1) {
        return rotor(arg1, 0);
    /// from const specialization class:
    inline const rotor &_rotor(const rotor &arg1) {
        return arg1;
    /// from non-const specialization class:
    inline rotor &_rotor(rotor &arg1) {
        return arg1;
    /// from Float:
    inline rotor _rotor(rotor::Float arg1) {
        return rotor(arg1, 0); // 0 = filler; can have any value, it simply prevents implicit conversion from mv -> vector   

    // like example constructors, for use with templates
    /// underscore constructor from general multivector:
    inline rotor like(const mv &what, const rotor &example) {return _rotor(what);}
    /// from const specialization class:
    inline const rotor like(const rotor &what, const rotor &example) {return _rotor(what);}
    /// from non-const specialization class:
    inline rotor like(rotor &what, const rotor &example) {return _rotor(what);}

    // underscore 'constructors' for float types:

    /// returns scalar part of v as float
    inline float _float(const rotor & v) {
        return (float)v.m_c[0];
    /// returns scalar part of v as double
    inline double _double(const rotor & v) {
        return (double)v.m_c[0];
    /// returns scalar part of v as Float
    inline float _Float(const rotor & v) {
        return v.m_c[0];

    /// enum for the coordinates of __e1_ct__ 
    enum ____e1_ct___coordinates__ {__e1_ct___e1f1_0};

    class __e1_ct__ {
            typedef float Float;

        /// zero constructor
        inline __e1_ct__() {


        /// scalar constructor 
        inline __e1_ct__(Float s, int filler) { // filler can have any value, it simply prevents implicit conversion from Float -> __e1_ct__     

        /// copy constructor (MUST PASS BY REFERENCE)
        inline __e1_ct__(const __e1_ct__ &arg1) {


        /// general multivector constructor (that can not be selected for implicit conversion by C++)
        inline __e1_ct__(const mv &arg1, int filler) { // filler can have any value, it simply prevents implicit conversion from mv -> __e1_ct__     

        /// pointer to coordinates constructor
        inline __e1_ct__(____e1_ct___coordinates__, const Float *coordinates) {

            set(__e1_ct___e1f1_0, coordinates);

        /// coordinates constructor
        inline __e1_ct__(____e1_ct___coordinates__) {


        /// set to null
        void set();

        /// set to scalar
        void set(Float s);

        /// set to copy
        void set(const __e1_ct__ &arg1);

        /// set to copy of general multivector
        void set(const mv &arg1);

        /// pointer to coordinates constructor
        void set(____e1_ct___coordinates__, const Float *coordinates);

        /// set to coordinates
        void set(____e1_ct___coordinates__);

        /// assign copy
        __e1_ct__ &operator=(const __e1_ct__ &arg1);

        /// assign general multivector
        __e1_ct__ &operator=(const mv &arg1);

        /// assign scalar
        __e1_ct__ &operator=(Float scalarVal);

        /// returns absolute largest coordinate
        Float largestCoordinate() const;
        /// returns the absolute largest coordinate, and the corresponding basis blade bitmap 
        Float largestBasisBlade(unsigned int &bm) const;

        /// coordinate extraction by name

        /// const coordinate extraction by name
        inline Float e1f1_0() const {
            return 1.0f;

        /// get all coordinates (returns NULL for fully constant specialization
        const Float *getC(____e1_ct___coordinates__ sanityCheckValue) const {
            return NULL;

        // constants, so no coordinate storage

        inline const char * c_str(const char *fp = NULL) const {
            return ::e2ga::c_str(*this, fp);

        inline const char * c_str_f() const {return c_str("%f");}
        inline const char * c_str_e() const {return c_str("%e");}
        inline const char * c_str_e20() const {return c_str("%2.20e");}

        inline std::string toString(const char *fp = NULL) const {
            return ::e2ga::toString(*this, fp);

        inline std::string toString_f() const {return toString("%f");}
        inline std::string toString_e() const {return toString("%e");}
        inline std::string toString_e20() const {return toString("%2.20e");}

    }; // end of class __e1_ct__ 

    /* 'underscore constructors' */
    /// underscore constructor from general multivector:
    inline __e1_ct__ ___e1_ct__(const mv &arg1) {
        return __e1_ct__(arg1, 0);
    /// from const specialization class:
    inline const __e1_ct__ &___e1_ct__(const __e1_ct__ &arg1) {
        return arg1;
    /// from non-const specialization class:
    inline __e1_ct__ &___e1_ct__(__e1_ct__ &arg1) {
        return arg1;
    /// from Float:
    inline __e1_ct__ ___e1_ct__(__e1_ct__::Float arg1) {
        return __e1_ct__(arg1, 0); // 0 = filler; can have any value, it simply prevents implicit conversion from mv -> vector   

    // like example constructors, for use with templates
    /// underscore constructor from general multivector:
    inline __e1_ct__ like(const mv &what, const __e1_ct__ &example) {return ___e1_ct__(what);}
    /// from const specialization class:
    inline const __e1_ct__ like(const __e1_ct__ &what, const __e1_ct__ &example) {return ___e1_ct__(what);}
    /// from non-const specialization class:
    inline __e1_ct__ like(__e1_ct__ &what, const __e1_ct__ &example) {return ___e1_ct__(what);}

    // underscore 'constructors' for float types:

    /// returns scalar part of v as float
    inline float _float(const __e1_ct__ & v) {
        return (float)0;
    /// returns scalar part of v as double
    inline double _double(const __e1_ct__ & v) {
        return (double)0;
    /// returns scalar part of v as Float
    inline float _Float(const __e1_ct__ & v) {
        return (float)0;

    /// enum for the coordinates of __e2_ct__ 
    enum ____e2_ct___coordinates__ {__e2_ct___e2f1_0};

    class __e2_ct__ {
            typedef float Float;

        /// zero constructor
        inline __e2_ct__() {


        /// scalar constructor 
        inline __e2_ct__(Float s, int filler) { // filler can have any value, it simply prevents implicit conversion from Float -> __e2_ct__     

        /// copy constructor (MUST PASS BY REFERENCE)
        inline __e2_ct__(const __e2_ct__ &arg1) {


        /// general multivector constructor (that can not be selected for implicit conversion by C++)
        inline __e2_ct__(const mv &arg1, int filler) { // filler can have any value, it simply prevents implicit conversion from mv -> __e2_ct__     

        /// pointer to coordinates constructor
        inline __e2_ct__(____e2_ct___coordinates__, const Float *coordinates) {

            set(__e2_ct___e2f1_0, coordinates);

        /// coordinates constructor
        inline __e2_ct__(____e2_ct___coordinates__) {


        /// set to null
        void set();

        /// set to scalar
        void set(Float s);

        /// set to copy
        void set(const __e2_ct__ &arg1);

        /// set to copy of general multivector
        void set(const mv &arg1);

        /// pointer to coordinates constructor
        void set(____e2_ct___coordinates__, const Float *coordinates);

        /// set to coordinates
        void set(____e2_ct___coordinates__);

        /// assign copy
        __e2_ct__ &operator=(const __e2_ct__ &arg1);

        /// assign general multivector
        __e2_ct__ &operator=(const mv &arg1);

        /// assign scalar
        __e2_ct__ &operator=(Float scalarVal);

        /// returns absolute largest coordinate
        Float largestCoordinate() const;
        /// returns the absolute largest coordinate, and the corresponding basis blade bitmap 
        Float largestBasisBlade(unsigned int &bm) const;

        /// coordinate extraction by name

        /// const coordinate extraction by name
        inline Float e2f1_0() const {
            return 1.0f;

        /// get all coordinates (returns NULL for fully constant specialization
        const Float *getC(____e2_ct___coordinates__ sanityCheckValue) const {
            return NULL;

        // constants, so no coordinate storage

        inline const char * c_str(const char *fp = NULL) const {
            return ::e2ga::c_str(*this, fp);

        inline const char * c_str_f() const {return c_str("%f");}
        inline const char * c_str_e() const {return c_str("%e");}
        inline const char * c_str_e20() const {return c_str("%2.20e");}

        inline std::string toString(const char *fp = NULL) const {
            return ::e2ga::toString(*this, fp);

        inline std::string toString_f() const {return toString("%f");}
        inline std::string toString_e() const {return toString("%e");}
        inline std::string toString_e20() const {return toString("%2.20e");}

    }; // end of class __e2_ct__ 

    /* 'underscore constructors' */
    /// underscore constructor from general multivector:
    inline __e2_ct__ ___e2_ct__(const mv &arg1) {
        return __e2_ct__(arg1, 0);
    /// from const specialization class:
    inline const __e2_ct__ &___e2_ct__(const __e2_ct__ &arg1) {
        return arg1;
    /// from non-const specialization class:
    inline __e2_ct__ &___e2_ct__(__e2_ct__ &arg1) {
        return arg1;
    /// from Float:
    inline __e2_ct__ ___e2_ct__(__e2_ct__::Float arg1) {
        return __e2_ct__(arg1, 0); // 0 = filler; can have any value, it simply prevents implicit conversion from mv -> vector   

    // like example constructors, for use with templates
    /// underscore constructor from general multivector:
    inline __e2_ct__ like(const mv &what, const __e2_ct__ &example) {return ___e2_ct__(what);}
    /// from const specialization class:
    inline const __e2_ct__ like(const __e2_ct__ &what, const __e2_ct__ &example) {return ___e2_ct__(what);}
    /// from non-const specialization class:
    inline __e2_ct__ like(__e2_ct__ &what, const __e2_ct__ &example) {return ___e2_ct__(what);}

    // underscore 'constructors' for float types:

    /// returns scalar part of v as float
    inline float _float(const __e2_ct__ & v) {
        return (float)0;
    /// returns scalar part of v as double
    inline double _double(const __e2_ct__ & v) {
        return (double)0;
    /// returns scalar part of v as Float
    inline float _Float(const __e2_ct__ & v) {
        return (float)0;

    /// enum for the coordinates of __I2_ct__ 
    enum ____I2_ct___coordinates__ {__I2_ct___e1e2f1_0};

    class __I2_ct__ {
            typedef float Float;

        /// zero constructor
        inline __I2_ct__() {


        /// scalar constructor 
        inline __I2_ct__(Float s, int filler) { // filler can have any value, it simply prevents implicit conversion from Float -> __I2_ct__     

        /// copy constructor (MUST PASS BY REFERENCE)
        inline __I2_ct__(const __I2_ct__ &arg1) {


        /// general multivector constructor (that can not be selected for implicit conversion by C++)
        inline __I2_ct__(const mv &arg1, int filler) { // filler can have any value, it simply prevents implicit conversion from mv -> __I2_ct__     

        /// pointer to coordinates constructor
        inline __I2_ct__(____I2_ct___coordinates__, const Float *coordinates) {

            set(__I2_ct___e1e2f1_0, coordinates);

        /// coordinates constructor
        inline __I2_ct__(____I2_ct___coordinates__) {


        /// set to null
        void set();

        /// set to scalar
        void set(Float s);

        /// set to copy
        void set(const __I2_ct__ &arg1);

        /// set to copy of general multivector
        void set(const mv &arg1);

        /// pointer to coordinates constructor
        void set(____I2_ct___coordinates__, const Float *coordinates);

        /// set to coordinates
        void set(____I2_ct___coordinates__);

        /// assign copy
        __I2_ct__ &operator=(const __I2_ct__ &arg1);

        /// assign general multivector
        __I2_ct__ &operator=(const mv &arg1);

        /// assign scalar
        __I2_ct__ &operator=(Float scalarVal);

        /// returns absolute largest coordinate
        Float largestCoordinate() const;
        /// returns the absolute largest coordinate, and the corresponding basis blade bitmap 
        Float largestBasisBlade(unsigned int &bm) const;

        /// coordinate extraction by name

        /// const coordinate extraction by name
        inline Float e1e2f1_0() const {
            return 1.0f;

        /// get all coordinates (returns NULL for fully constant specialization
        const Float *getC(____I2_ct___coordinates__ sanityCheckValue) const {
            return NULL;

        // constants, so no coordinate storage

        inline const char * c_str(const char *fp = NULL) const {
            return ::e2ga::c_str(*this, fp);

        inline const char * c_str_f() const {return c_str("%f");}
        inline const char * c_str_e() const {return c_str("%e");}
        inline const char * c_str_e20() const {return c_str("%2.20e");}

        inline std::string toString(const char *fp = NULL) const {
            return ::e2ga::toString(*this, fp);

        inline std::string toString_f() const {return toString("%f");}
        inline std::string toString_e() const {return toString("%e");}
        inline std::string toString_e20() const {return toString("%2.20e");}

    }; // end of class __I2_ct__ 

    /* 'underscore constructors' */
    /// underscore constructor from general multivector:
    inline __I2_ct__ ___I2_ct__(const mv &arg1) {
        return __I2_ct__(arg1, 0);
    /// from const specialization class:
    inline const __I2_ct__ &___I2_ct__(const __I2_ct__ &arg1) {
        return arg1;
    /// from non-const specialization class:
    inline __I2_ct__ &___I2_ct__(__I2_ct__ &arg1) {
        return arg1;
    /// from Float:
    inline __I2_ct__ ___I2_ct__(__I2_ct__::Float arg1) {
        return __I2_ct__(arg1, 0); // 0 = filler; can have any value, it simply prevents implicit conversion from mv -> vector   

    // like example constructors, for use with templates
    /// underscore constructor from general multivector:
    inline __I2_ct__ like(const mv &what, const __I2_ct__ &example) {return ___I2_ct__(what);}
    /// from const specialization class:
    inline const __I2_ct__ like(const __I2_ct__ &what, const __I2_ct__ &example) {return ___I2_ct__(what);}
    /// from non-const specialization class:
    inline __I2_ct__ like(__I2_ct__ &what, const __I2_ct__ &example) {return ___I2_ct__(what);}

    // underscore 'constructors' for float types:

    /// returns scalar part of v as float
    inline float _float(const __I2_ct__ & v) {
        return (float)0;
    /// returns scalar part of v as double
    inline double _double(const __I2_ct__ & v) {
        return (double)0;
    /// returns scalar part of v as Float
    inline float _Float(const __I2_ct__ & v) {
        return (float)0;

    /// enum for the coordinates of __I2i_ct__ 
    enum ____I2i_ct___coordinates__ {__I2i_ct___e1e2f_1_0};

    class __I2i_ct__ {
            typedef float Float;

        /// zero constructor
        inline __I2i_ct__() {


        /// scalar constructor 
        inline __I2i_ct__(Float s, int filler) { // filler can have any value, it simply prevents implicit conversion from Float -> __I2i_ct__   

        /// copy constructor (MUST PASS BY REFERENCE)
        inline __I2i_ct__(const __I2i_ct__ &arg1) {


        /// general multivector constructor (that can not be selected for implicit conversion by C++)
        inline __I2i_ct__(const mv &arg1, int filler) { // filler can have any value, it simply prevents implicit conversion from mv -> __I2i_ct__   

        /// pointer to coordinates constructor
        inline __I2i_ct__(____I2i_ct___coordinates__, const Float *coordinates) {

            set(__I2i_ct___e1e2f_1_0, coordinates);

        /// coordinates constructor
        inline __I2i_ct__(____I2i_ct___coordinates__) {


        /// set to null
        void set();

        /// set to scalar
        void set(Float s);

        /// set to copy
        void set(const __I2i_ct__ &arg1);

        /// set to copy of general multivector
        void set(const mv &arg1);

        /// pointer to coordinates constructor
        void set(____I2i_ct___coordinates__, const Float *coordinates);

        /// set to coordinates
        void set(____I2i_ct___coordinates__);

        /// assign copy
        __I2i_ct__ &operator=(const __I2i_ct__ &arg1);

        /// assign general multivector
        __I2i_ct__ &operator=(const mv &arg1);

        /// assign scalar
        __I2i_ct__ &operator=(Float scalarVal);

        /// returns absolute largest coordinate
        Float largestCoordinate() const;
        /// returns the absolute largest coordinate, and the corresponding basis blade bitmap 
        Float largestBasisBlade(unsigned int &bm) const;

        /// coordinate extraction by name

        /// const coordinate extraction by name
        inline Float e1e2f_1_0() const {
            return -1.0f;

        /// get all coordinates (returns NULL for fully constant specialization
        const Float *getC(____I2i_ct___coordinates__ sanityCheckValue) const {
            return NULL;

        // constants, so no coordinate storage

        inline const char * c_str(const char *fp = NULL) const {
            return ::e2ga::c_str(*this, fp);

        inline const char * c_str_f() const {return c_str("%f");}
        inline const char * c_str_e() const {return c_str("%e");}
        inline const char * c_str_e20() const {return c_str("%2.20e");}

        inline std::string toString(const char *fp = NULL) const {
            return ::e2ga::toString(*this, fp);

        inline std::string toString_f() const {return toString("%f");}
        inline std::string toString_e() const {return toString("%e");}
        inline std::string toString_e20() const {return toString("%2.20e");}

    }; // end of class __I2i_ct__ 

    /* 'underscore constructors' */
    /// underscore constructor from general multivector:
    inline __I2i_ct__ ___I2i_ct__(const mv &arg1) {
        return __I2i_ct__(arg1, 0);
    /// from const specialization class:
    inline const __I2i_ct__ &___I2i_ct__(const __I2i_ct__ &arg1) {
        return arg1;
    /// from non-const specialization class:
    inline __I2i_ct__ &___I2i_ct__(__I2i_ct__ &arg1) {
        return arg1;
    /// from Float:
    inline __I2i_ct__ ___I2i_ct__(__I2i_ct__::Float arg1) {
        return __I2i_ct__(arg1, 0); // 0 = filler; can have any value, it simply prevents implicit conversion from mv -> vector  

    // like example constructors, for use with templates
    /// underscore constructor from general multivector:
    inline __I2i_ct__ like(const mv &what, const __I2i_ct__ &example) {return ___I2i_ct__(what);}
    /// from const specialization class:
    inline const __I2i_ct__ like(const __I2i_ct__ &what, const __I2i_ct__ &example) {return ___I2i_ct__(what);}
    /// from non-const specialization class:
    inline __I2i_ct__ like(__I2i_ct__ &what, const __I2i_ct__ &example) {return ___I2i_ct__(what);}

    // underscore 'constructors' for float types:

    /// returns scalar part of v as float
    inline float _float(const __I2i_ct__ & v) {
        return (float)0;
    /// returns scalar part of v as double
    inline double _double(const __I2i_ct__ & v) {
        return (double)0;
    /// returns scalar part of v as Float
    inline float _Float(const __I2i_ct__ & v) {
        return (float)0;

    class om {
            typedef float Float;

        /// identity 'I' constructor
        inline om() {

        /// copy constructor (MUST PASS BY REFERENCE!)
        inline om(const om &arg1) {

        /// scalar constructor (creates scalar * 'I' outermorphism)
        inline om(Float scalar) {

        /// pointer to coordinates constructor
        inline om(const Float *coordinates) {

        /// pointer to coordinates/transpose constructor
        inline om(const Float *coordinates, bool transpose) {
            set(coordinates, transpose);

        /// constructor from basis vectors array
        inline om(const vector *vectors) {

        /// constructor from basis vectors 
        inline om(const vector & image_of_e1, const vector & image_of_e2) {
            set(image_of_e1, image_of_e2);

        /// set to identity 'I'
        void set();

        /// set to copy
        void set(const om &arg1);

        /// set to scalar (creates scalar * 'I' outermorphism)
        void set(Float scalarVal);

        /// set to coordinates 
        void set(const Float *coordinates);

        /// set to coordinates/transpose 
        void set(const Float *coordinates, bool transpose);

        /// set from basis vectors array
        void set(const vector *vectors);

        /// set from basis vectors 
        void set(
            const vector & image_of_e1, const vector & image_of_e2);

        /// assign copy
        om &operator=(const om &arg1);

        /// assign scalar (creates scalar * 'I' outermorphism)
        om &operator=(Float scalarVal);

        /// assign specialization:

        Float m_c[5]; ///< coordinate storage

    }; // end of class om

    // multivector type
    class mvType : public mvTypeBase {

            inline mvType() {

        /** Creates a new instance of MultivectorInfo */
        inline mvType(const mv &X) {
            init(X, (mv::Float)0.0);

        /** Creates a new instance of MultivectorInfo */
        inline mvType(const mv &X, mv::Float epsilon) {
            init(X, epsilon);

        inline mvType(const mvType &T) {

        void init(const mv &X, mv::Float epsilon);

        std::string toString() const;

            void init(const mv &X, mv::Float epsilon, bool useAlgebraMetric, int guCnt);

    mv::Float fastFactorBlade(const mv &X, vector factor[], int gradeOfX = -1);
    void fastJoinBlades(const mv &A, const mv &B, mv &J, mv *M = NULL);

    // extra underscore constructors from profile:

    extern __I2i_ct__ I2i;
    extern __I2_ct__ I2;
    extern __e1_ct__ e1;
    extern __e2_ct__ e2;
    mv lcont(const mv& x, const mv& y);
    scalar scp(const mv& x, const mv& y);
    mv gp(const mv& x, const mv& y);
    mv op(const mv& x, const mv& y);
    mv add(const mv& x, const mv& y);
    mv subtract(const mv& x, const mv& y);
    scalar norm_e2(const mv& x);
    scalar norm_e(const mv& x);
    mv unit_e(const mv& x);
    scalar norm_r2(const mv& x);
    scalar norm_r(const mv& x);
    mv unit_r(const mv& x);
    mv reverse(const mv& x);
    mv negate(const mv& x);
    mv dual(const mv& x);
    mv undual(const mv& x);
    mv inverse(const mv& x);
    mv apply_om(const om& x, const mv& y);
    mv gradeInvolution(const mv& x);
    namespace __G2_GENERATED__ {
        void set(om& __x__, const vector& __image_of_e1__, const vector& __image_of_e2__);
    } /* end of namespace __G2_GENERATED__ */
    inline vector unit_e(const vector& x);
    inline vector inverse(const vector& x);
    inline rotor gp(const vector& x, const __e1_ct__& y);
    inline bivector gradeInvolution(const bivector& x);
    inline e1_t gp(const scalar& x, const __e1_ct__& y);
    inline scalar subtract(const scalar& x, const scalar& y);
    inline rotor subtract(const rotor& x, const rotor& y);
    inline vector subtract(const vector& x, const vector& y);
    inline scalar scp(const bivector& x, const bivector& y);
    inline vector add(const e1_t& x, const e2_t& y);
    inline e1_t gp(const bivector& x, const __e2_ct__& y);
    inline scalar norm_e2(const vector& x);
    inline scalar norm_e(const bivector& x);
    inline rotor gp(const vector& x, const __e2_ct__& y);
    inline scalar gp(const bivector& x, const bivector& y);
    inline bivector op(const vector& x, const vector& y);
    inline vector subtract(const e1_t& x, const e2_t& y);
    inline vector add(const vector& x, const vector& y);
    inline vector gradeInvolution(const vector& x);
    inline scalar norm_e(const vector& x);
    inline bivector inverse(const bivector& x);
    inline e2_t gp(const bivector& x, const __e1_ct__& y);
    inline rotor gp(const vector& x, const vector& y);
    inline vector gp(const vector& x, const scalar& y);
    inline bivector reverse(const bivector& x);
    inline vector reverse(const vector& x);
    inline e1_t gp(const e2_t& x, const bivector& y);
    inline vector gp(const scalar& x, const vector& y);
    inline e2_t gp(const e1_t& x, const bivector& y);
    inline vector gp(const rotor& x, const vector& y);
    inline e2_t gp(const scalar& x, const __e2_ct__& y);
    inline scalar scp(const vector& x, const vector& y);
    inline mv operator+=(mv& arg1, const mv& arg2);
    inline e1_t operator+=(e1_t& arg1, const e2_t& arg2);
    inline vector operator+=(vector& arg1, const vector& arg2);
    inline e2_t operator+=(e2_t& arg1, const mv& arg2);
    inline scalar operator+=(scalar& arg1, const mv& arg2);
    inline bivector operator+=(bivector& arg1, const mv& arg2);
    inline rotor operator+=(rotor& arg1, const mv& arg2);
    inline __e1_ct__ operator+=(__e1_ct__& arg1, const mv& arg2);
    inline __e2_ct__ operator+=(__e2_ct__& arg1, const mv& arg2);
    inline __I2_ct__ operator+=(__I2_ct__& arg1, const mv& arg2);
    inline __I2i_ct__ operator+=(__I2i_ct__& arg1, const mv& arg2);
    inline mv operator+(const mv& arg1, const mv& arg2);
    inline vector operator+(const e1_t& arg1, const e2_t& arg2);
    inline vector operator+(const vector& arg1, const vector& arg2);
    inline mv operator-=(mv& arg1, const mv& arg2);
    inline scalar operator-=(scalar& arg1, const scalar& arg2);
    inline scalar operator-=(scalar& arg1, float arg2);
    inline rotor operator-=(rotor& arg1, const rotor& arg2);
    inline vector operator-=(vector& arg1, const vector& arg2);
    inline e1_t operator-=(e1_t& arg1, const e2_t& arg2);
    inline e2_t operator-=(e2_t& arg1, const mv& arg2);
    inline bivector operator-=(bivector& arg1, const mv& arg2);
    inline __e1_ct__ operator-=(__e1_ct__& arg1, const mv& arg2);
    inline __e2_ct__ operator-=(__e2_ct__& arg1, const mv& arg2);
    inline __I2_ct__ operator-=(__I2_ct__& arg1, const mv& arg2);
    inline __I2i_ct__ operator-=(__I2i_ct__& arg1, const mv& arg2);
    inline mv operator-(const mv& arg1, const mv& arg2);
    inline scalar operator-(const scalar& arg1, const scalar& arg2);
    inline scalar operator-(float arg1, const scalar& arg2);
    inline scalar operator-(const scalar& arg1, float arg2);
    inline rotor operator-(const rotor& arg1, const rotor& arg2);
    inline vector operator-(const vector& arg1, const vector& arg2);
    inline vector operator-(const e1_t& arg1, const e2_t& arg2);
    inline mv operator-(const mv& arg1);
    inline mv operator%=(mv& arg1, const mv& arg2);
    inline bivector operator%=(bivector& arg1, const bivector& arg2);
    inline vector operator%=(vector& arg1, const vector& arg2);
    inline e1_t operator%=(e1_t& arg1, const mv& arg2);
    inline e2_t operator%=(e2_t& arg1, const mv& arg2);
    inline scalar operator%=(scalar& arg1, const mv& arg2);
    inline rotor operator%=(rotor& arg1, const mv& arg2);
    inline __e1_ct__ operator%=(__e1_ct__& arg1, const mv& arg2);
    inline __e2_ct__ operator%=(__e2_ct__& arg1, const mv& arg2);
    inline __I2_ct__ operator%=(__I2_ct__& arg1, const mv& arg2);
    inline __I2i_ct__ operator%=(__I2i_ct__& arg1, const mv& arg2);
    inline scalar operator%(const mv& arg1, const mv& arg2);
    inline scalar operator%(const bivector& arg1, const bivector& arg2);
    inline scalar operator%(const vector& arg1, const vector& arg2);
    inline mv operator^=(mv& arg1, const mv& arg2);
    inline vector operator^=(vector& arg1, const vector& arg2);
    inline e1_t operator^=(e1_t& arg1, const mv& arg2);
    inline e2_t operator^=(e2_t& arg1, const mv& arg2);
    inline scalar operator^=(scalar& arg1, const mv& arg2);
    inline bivector operator^=(bivector& arg1, const mv& arg2);
    inline rotor operator^=(rotor& arg1, const mv& arg2);
    inline __e1_ct__ operator^=(__e1_ct__& arg1, const mv& arg2);
    inline __e2_ct__ operator^=(__e2_ct__& arg1, const mv& arg2);
    inline __I2_ct__ operator^=(__I2_ct__& arg1, const mv& arg2);
    inline __I2i_ct__ operator^=(__I2i_ct__& arg1, const mv& arg2);
    inline mv operator^(const mv& arg1, const mv& arg2);
    inline bivector operator^(const vector& arg1, const vector& arg2);
    inline mv operator*=(mv& arg1, const mv& arg2);
    inline vector operator*=(vector& arg1, const __e1_ct__& arg2);
    inline scalar operator*=(scalar& arg1, const __e1_ct__& arg2);
    inline bivector operator*=(bivector& arg1, const __e2_ct__& arg2);
    inline vector operator*=(vector& arg1, const __e2_ct__& arg2);
    inline bivector operator*=(bivector& arg1, const bivector& arg2);
    inline bivector operator*=(bivector& arg1, const __e1_ct__& arg2);
    inline vector operator*=(vector& arg1, const vector& arg2);
    inline vector operator*=(vector& arg1, const scalar& arg2);
    inline vector operator*=(vector& arg1, float arg2);
    inline e2_t operator*=(e2_t& arg1, const bivector& arg2);
    inline scalar operator*=(scalar& arg1, const vector& arg2);
    inline e1_t operator*=(e1_t& arg1, const bivector& arg2);
    inline rotor operator*=(rotor& arg1, const vector& arg2);
    inline scalar operator*=(scalar& arg1, const __e2_ct__& arg2);
    inline __e1_ct__ operator*=(__e1_ct__& arg1, const mv& arg2);
    inline __e2_ct__ operator*=(__e2_ct__& arg1, const mv& arg2);
    inline __I2_ct__ operator*=(__I2_ct__& arg1, const mv& arg2);
    inline __I2i_ct__ operator*=(__I2i_ct__& arg1, const mv& arg2);
    inline mv operator*(const mv& arg1, const mv& arg2);
    inline rotor operator*(const vector& arg1, const __e1_ct__& arg2);
    inline e1_t operator*(const scalar& arg1, const __e1_ct__& arg2);
    inline e1_t operator*(float arg1, const __e1_ct__& arg2);
    inline e1_t operator*(const bivector& arg1, const __e2_ct__& arg2);
    inline rotor operator*(const vector& arg1, const __e2_ct__& arg2);
    inline scalar operator*(const bivector& arg1, const bivector& arg2);
    inline e2_t operator*(const bivector& arg1, const __e1_ct__& arg2);
    inline rotor operator*(const vector& arg1, const vector& arg2);
    inline vector operator*(const vector& arg1, const scalar& arg2);
    inline vector operator*(const vector& arg1, float arg2);
    inline e1_t operator*(const e2_t& arg1, const bivector& arg2);
    inline vector operator*(const scalar& arg1, const vector& arg2);
    inline vector operator*(float arg1, const vector& arg2);
    inline e2_t operator*(const e1_t& arg1, const bivector& arg2);
    inline vector operator*(const rotor& arg1, const vector& arg2);
    inline e2_t operator*(const scalar& arg1, const __e2_ct__& arg2);
    inline e2_t operator*(float arg1, const __e2_ct__& arg2);
    inline mv operator<<=(mv& arg1, const mv& arg2);
    inline e1_t operator<<=(e1_t& arg1, const mv& arg2);
    inline e2_t operator<<=(e2_t& arg1, const mv& arg2);
    inline scalar operator<<=(scalar& arg1, const mv& arg2);
    inline vector operator<<=(vector& arg1, const mv& arg2);
    inline bivector operator<<=(bivector& arg1, const mv& arg2);
    inline rotor operator<<=(rotor& arg1, const mv& arg2);
    inline __e1_ct__ operator<<=(__e1_ct__& arg1, const mv& arg2);
    inline __e2_ct__ operator<<=(__e2_ct__& arg1, const mv& arg2);
    inline __I2_ct__ operator<<=(__I2_ct__& arg1, const mv& arg2);
    inline __I2i_ct__ operator<<=(__I2i_ct__& arg1, const mv& arg2);
    inline mv operator<<(const mv& arg1, const mv& arg2);
    inline mv operator*(const mv& arg1);
    inline mv operator!(const mv& arg1);
    inline vector operator!(const vector& arg1);
    inline bivector operator!(const bivector& arg1);
    inline mv operator~(const mv& arg1);
    inline bivector operator~(const bivector& arg1);
    inline vector operator~(const vector& arg1);

    // set to zero
    inline void e1_t::set() {
        // set coordinates to 0
        mv_zero(m_c, 1);


    // set to scalar 
    inline void e1_t::set(Float s) {
        // set coordinates 0, except for scalar (if any)
        m_c[0] = (Float)0.0;


    // set to copy
    inline void e1_t::set(const e1_t &arg1) {
        // copy coordinates
        //mv_memcpy(m_c, arg1.m_c, 1);
        m_c[0] = arg1.m_c[0];


    // set to pointer to coordinates
    inline void e1_t::set(__e1_t_coordinates__, const Float *coordinates) {
        // copy coordinates
        //mv_memcpy(m_c, coordinates, 1);
        m_c[0] = coordinates[0];


    // set to 'coordinates specified' 
    inline void e1_t::set(__e1_t_coordinates__, Float c_e1) {
        // set coordinates
        m_c[0] = c_e1;


    // assign copy
    inline e1_t &e1_t::operator=(const e1_t &arg1) {
        return *this;

    // assign general multivector
    inline e1_t &e1_t::operator=(const mv &arg1) {
        return *this;

    // assign scalar
    inline e1_t &e1_t::operator=(Float scalarVal) {
        return *this;

    // set to zero
    inline void e2_t::set() {
        // set coordinates to 0
        mv_zero(m_c, 1);


    // set to scalar 
    inline void e2_t::set(Float s) {
        // set coordinates 0, except for scalar (if any)
        m_c[0] = (Float)0.0;


    // set to copy
    inline void e2_t::set(const e2_t &arg1) {
        // copy coordinates
        //mv_memcpy(m_c, arg1.m_c, 1);
        m_c[0] = arg1.m_c[0];


    // set to pointer to coordinates
    inline void e2_t::set(__e2_t_coordinates__, const Float *coordinates) {
        // copy coordinates
        //mv_memcpy(m_c, coordinates, 1);
        m_c[0] = coordinates[0];


    // set to 'coordinates specified' 
    inline void e2_t::set(__e2_t_coordinates__, Float c_e2) {
        // set coordinates
        m_c[0] = c_e2;


    // assign copy
    inline e2_t &e2_t::operator=(const e2_t &arg1) {
        return *this;

    // assign general multivector
    inline e2_t &e2_t::operator=(const mv &arg1) {
        return *this;

    // assign scalar
    inline e2_t &e2_t::operator=(Float scalarVal) {
        return *this;

    // set to zero
    inline void scalar::set() {
        // set coordinates to 0
        mv_zero(m_c, 1);


    // set to scalar 
    inline void scalar::set(Float s) {
        // set coordinates 0, except for scalar (if any)
        m_c[0] = s ;


    // set to copy
    inline void scalar::set(const scalar &arg1) {
        // copy coordinates
        //mv_memcpy(m_c, arg1.m_c, 1);
        m_c[0] = arg1.m_c[0];


    // set to pointer to coordinates
    inline void scalar::set(__scalar_coordinates__, const Float *coordinates) {
        // copy coordinates
        //mv_memcpy(m_c, coordinates, 1);
        m_c[0] = coordinates[0];


    // set to 'coordinates specified' 
    inline void scalar::set(__scalar_coordinates__, Float c_scalar) {
        // set coordinates
        m_c[0] = c_scalar;


    // assign copy
    inline scalar &scalar::operator=(const scalar &arg1) {
        return *this;

    // assign general multivector
    inline scalar &scalar::operator=(const mv &arg1) {
        return *this;

    // assign scalar
    inline scalar &scalar::operator=(Float scalarVal) {
        return *this;

    // set to zero
    inline void vector::set() {
        // set coordinates to 0
        mv_zero(m_c, 2);


    // set to scalar 
    inline void vector::set(Float s) {
        // set coordinates 0, except for scalar (if any)
        m_c[0] = (Float)0.0;
        m_c[1] = (Float)0.0;


    // set to copy
    inline void vector::set(const vector &arg1) {
        // copy coordinates
        //mv_memcpy(m_c, arg1.m_c, 2);
        m_c[0] = arg1.m_c[0];
        m_c[1] = arg1.m_c[1];


    // set to pointer to coordinates
    inline void vector::set(__vector_coordinates__, const Float *coordinates) {
        // copy coordinates
        //mv_memcpy(m_c, coordinates, 2);
        m_c[0] = coordinates[0];
        m_c[1] = coordinates[1];


    // set to 'coordinates specified' 
    inline void vector::set(__vector_coordinates__, Float c_e1, Float c_e2) {
        // set coordinates
        m_c[0] = c_e1;
        m_c[1] = c_e2;


    // assign copy
    inline vector &vector::operator=(const vector &arg1) {
        return *this;

    // assign general multivector
    inline vector &vector::operator=(const mv &arg1) {
        return *this;

    // assign scalar
    inline vector &vector::operator=(Float scalarVal) {
        return *this;

    // set to zero
    inline void bivector::set() {
        // set coordinates to 0
        mv_zero(m_c, 1);


    // set to scalar 
    inline void bivector::set(Float s) {
        // set coordinates 0, except for scalar (if any)
        m_c[0] = (Float)0.0;


    // set to copy
    inline void bivector::set(const bivector &arg1) {
        // copy coordinates
        //mv_memcpy(m_c, arg1.m_c, 1);
        m_c[0] = arg1.m_c[0];


    // set to pointer to coordinates
    inline void bivector::set(__bivector_coordinates__, const Float *coordinates) {
        // copy coordinates
        //mv_memcpy(m_c, coordinates, 1);
        m_c[0] = coordinates[0];


    // set to 'coordinates specified' 
    inline void bivector::set(__bivector_coordinates__, Float c_e1e2) {
        // set coordinates
        m_c[0] = c_e1e2;


    // assign copy
    inline bivector &bivector::operator=(const bivector &arg1) {
        return *this;

    // assign general multivector
    inline bivector &bivector::operator=(const mv &arg1) {
        return *this;

    // assign scalar
    inline bivector &bivector::operator=(Float scalarVal) {
        return *this;

    // set to zero
    inline void rotor::set() {
        // set coordinates to 0
        mv_zero(m_c, 2);


    // set to scalar 
    inline void rotor::set(Float s) {
        // set coordinates 0, except for scalar (if any)
        m_c[0] = s ;
        m_c[1] = (Float)0.0;


    // set to copy
    inline void rotor::set(const rotor &arg1) {
        // copy coordinates
        //mv_memcpy(m_c, arg1.m_c, 2);
        m_c[0] = arg1.m_c[0];
        m_c[1] = arg1.m_c[1];


    // set to pointer to coordinates
    inline void rotor::set(__rotor_coordinates__, const Float *coordinates) {
        // copy coordinates
        //mv_memcpy(m_c, coordinates, 2);
        m_c[0] = coordinates[0];
        m_c[1] = coordinates[1];


    // set to 'coordinates specified' 
    inline void rotor::set(__rotor_coordinates__, Float c_scalar, Float c_e1e2) {
        // set coordinates
        m_c[0] = c_scalar;
        m_c[1] = c_e1e2;


    // assign copy
    inline rotor &rotor::operator=(const rotor &arg1) {
        return *this;

    // assign general multivector
    inline rotor &rotor::operator=(const mv &arg1) {
        return *this;

    // assign scalar
    inline rotor &rotor::operator=(Float scalarVal) {
        return *this;

    // set to zero
    inline void __e1_ct__::set() {
        // set coordinates to 0

    // set to scalar 
    inline void __e1_ct__::set(Float s) {
        // set coordinates 0, except for scalar (if any)


    // set to copy
    inline void __e1_ct__::set(const __e1_ct__ &arg1) {

    // set to pointer to coordinates
    inline void __e1_ct__::set(____e1_ct___coordinates__, const Float *coordinates) {
        // copy coordinates

    // set to 'coordinates specified' 
    inline void __e1_ct__::set(____e1_ct___coordinates__) {
        // set coordinates


    // assign copy
    inline __e1_ct__ &__e1_ct__::operator=(const __e1_ct__ &arg1) {
        return *this;

    // assign general multivector
    inline __e1_ct__ &__e1_ct__::operator=(const mv &arg1) {
        return *this;

    // assign scalar
    inline __e1_ct__ &__e1_ct__::operator=(Float scalarVal) {
        return *this;

    // set to zero
    inline void __e2_ct__::set() {
        // set coordinates to 0

    // set to scalar 
    inline void __e2_ct__::set(Float s) {
        // set coordinates 0, except for scalar (if any)


    // set to copy
    inline void __e2_ct__::set(const __e2_ct__ &arg1) {

    // set to pointer to coordinates
    inline void __e2_ct__::set(____e2_ct___coordinates__, const Float *coordinates) {
        // copy coordinates

    // set to 'coordinates specified' 
    inline void __e2_ct__::set(____e2_ct___coordinates__) {
        // set coordinates


    // assign copy
    inline __e2_ct__ &__e2_ct__::operator=(const __e2_ct__ &arg1) {
        return *this;

    // assign general multivector
    inline __e2_ct__ &__e2_ct__::operator=(const mv &arg1) {
        return *this;

    // assign scalar
    inline __e2_ct__ &__e2_ct__::operator=(Float scalarVal) {
        return *this;

    // set to zero
    inline void __I2_ct__::set() {
        // set coordinates to 0

    // set to scalar 
    inline void __I2_ct__::set(Float s) {
        // set coordinates 0, except for scalar (if any)


    // set to copy
    inline void __I2_ct__::set(const __I2_ct__ &arg1) {

    // set to pointer to coordinates
    inline void __I2_ct__::set(____I2_ct___coordinates__, const Float *coordinates) {
        // copy coordinates

    // set to 'coordinates specified' 
    inline void __I2_ct__::set(____I2_ct___coordinates__) {
        // set coordinates


    // assign copy
    inline __I2_ct__ &__I2_ct__::operator=(const __I2_ct__ &arg1) {
        return *this;

    // assign general multivector
    inline __I2_ct__ &__I2_ct__::operator=(const mv &arg1) {
        return *this;

    // assign scalar
    inline __I2_ct__ &__I2_ct__::operator=(Float scalarVal) {
        return *this;

    // set to zero
    inline void __I2i_ct__::set() {
        // set coordinates to 0

    // set to scalar 
    inline void __I2i_ct__::set(Float s) {
        // set coordinates 0, except for scalar (if any)


    // set to copy
    inline void __I2i_ct__::set(const __I2i_ct__ &arg1) {

    // set to pointer to coordinates
    inline void __I2i_ct__::set(____I2i_ct___coordinates__, const Float *coordinates) {
        // copy coordinates

    // set to 'coordinates specified' 
    inline void __I2i_ct__::set(____I2i_ct___coordinates__) {
        // set coordinates


    // assign copy
    inline __I2i_ct__ &__I2i_ct__::operator=(const __I2i_ct__ &arg1) {
        return *this;

    // assign general multivector
    inline __I2i_ct__ &__I2i_ct__::operator=(const mv &arg1) {
        return *this;

    // assign scalar
    inline __I2i_ct__ &__I2i_ct__::operator=(Float scalarVal) {
        return *this;

    inline mv operator+=(mv& arg1, const mv& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::add(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline e1_t operator+=(e1_t& arg1, const e2_t& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::add(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline vector operator+=(vector& arg1, const vector& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::add(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline e2_t operator+=(e2_t& arg1, const mv& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::add(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline scalar operator+=(scalar& arg1, const mv& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::add(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline bivector operator+=(bivector& arg1, const mv& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::add(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline rotor operator+=(rotor& arg1, const mv& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::add(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline __e1_ct__ operator+=(__e1_ct__& arg1, const mv& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::add(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline __e2_ct__ operator+=(__e2_ct__& arg1, const mv& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::add(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline __I2_ct__ operator+=(__I2_ct__& arg1, const mv& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::add(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline __I2i_ct__ operator+=(__I2i_ct__& arg1, const mv& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::add(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline mv operator+(const mv& arg1, const mv& arg2) {
        return ::e2ga::add(arg1, arg2);
    inline vector operator+(const e1_t& arg1, const e2_t& arg2) {
        return ::e2ga::add(arg1, arg2);
    inline vector operator+(const vector& arg1, const vector& arg2) {
        return ::e2ga::add(arg1, arg2);
    inline mv operator-=(mv& arg1, const mv& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::subtract(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline scalar operator-=(scalar& arg1, const scalar& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::subtract(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline scalar operator-=(scalar& arg1, float arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::subtract(arg1, ::e2ga::scalar(arg2)));
        return arg1;
    inline rotor operator-=(rotor& arg1, const rotor& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::subtract(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline vector operator-=(vector& arg1, const vector& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::subtract(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline e1_t operator-=(e1_t& arg1, const e2_t& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::subtract(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline e2_t operator-=(e2_t& arg1, const mv& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::subtract(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline bivector operator-=(bivector& arg1, const mv& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::subtract(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline __e1_ct__ operator-=(__e1_ct__& arg1, const mv& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::subtract(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline __e2_ct__ operator-=(__e2_ct__& arg1, const mv& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::subtract(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline __I2_ct__ operator-=(__I2_ct__& arg1, const mv& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::subtract(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline __I2i_ct__ operator-=(__I2i_ct__& arg1, const mv& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::subtract(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline mv operator-(const mv& arg1, const mv& arg2) {
        return ::e2ga::subtract(arg1, arg2);
    inline scalar operator-(const scalar& arg1, const scalar& arg2) {
        return ::e2ga::subtract(arg1, arg2);
    inline scalar operator-(float arg1, const scalar& arg2) {
        return ::e2ga::subtract(::e2ga::scalar(arg1), arg2);
    inline scalar operator-(const scalar& arg1, float arg2) {
        return ::e2ga::subtract(arg1, ::e2ga::scalar(arg2));
    inline rotor operator-(const rotor& arg1, const rotor& arg2) {
        return ::e2ga::subtract(arg1, arg2);
    inline vector operator-(const vector& arg1, const vector& arg2) {
        return ::e2ga::subtract(arg1, arg2);
    inline vector operator-(const e1_t& arg1, const e2_t& arg2) {
        return ::e2ga::subtract(arg1, arg2);
    inline mv operator-(const mv& arg1) {
        return ::e2ga::negate(arg1);
    inline mv operator%=(mv& arg1, const mv& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::scp(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline bivector operator%=(bivector& arg1, const bivector& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::scp(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline vector operator%=(vector& arg1, const vector& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::scp(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline e1_t operator%=(e1_t& arg1, const mv& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::scp(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline e2_t operator%=(e2_t& arg1, const mv& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::scp(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline scalar operator%=(scalar& arg1, const mv& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::scp(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline rotor operator%=(rotor& arg1, const mv& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::scp(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline __e1_ct__ operator%=(__e1_ct__& arg1, const mv& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::scp(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline __e2_ct__ operator%=(__e2_ct__& arg1, const mv& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::scp(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline __I2_ct__ operator%=(__I2_ct__& arg1, const mv& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::scp(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline __I2i_ct__ operator%=(__I2i_ct__& arg1, const mv& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::scp(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline scalar operator%(const mv& arg1, const mv& arg2) {
        return ::e2ga::scp(arg1, arg2);
    inline scalar operator%(const bivector& arg1, const bivector& arg2) {
        return ::e2ga::scp(arg1, arg2);
    inline scalar operator%(const vector& arg1, const vector& arg2) {
        return ::e2ga::scp(arg1, arg2);
    inline mv operator^=(mv& arg1, const mv& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::op(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline vector operator^=(vector& arg1, const vector& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::op(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline e1_t operator^=(e1_t& arg1, const mv& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::op(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline e2_t operator^=(e2_t& arg1, const mv& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::op(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline scalar operator^=(scalar& arg1, const mv& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::op(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline bivector operator^=(bivector& arg1, const mv& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::op(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline rotor operator^=(rotor& arg1, const mv& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::op(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline __e1_ct__ operator^=(__e1_ct__& arg1, const mv& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::op(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline __e2_ct__ operator^=(__e2_ct__& arg1, const mv& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::op(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline __I2_ct__ operator^=(__I2_ct__& arg1, const mv& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::op(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline __I2i_ct__ operator^=(__I2i_ct__& arg1, const mv& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::op(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline mv operator^(const mv& arg1, const mv& arg2) {
        return ::e2ga::op(arg1, arg2);
    inline bivector operator^(const vector& arg1, const vector& arg2) {
        return ::e2ga::op(arg1, arg2);
    inline mv operator*=(mv& arg1, const mv& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::gp(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline vector operator*=(vector& arg1, const __e1_ct__& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::gp(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline scalar operator*=(scalar& arg1, const __e1_ct__& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::gp(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline bivector operator*=(bivector& arg1, const __e2_ct__& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::gp(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline vector operator*=(vector& arg1, const __e2_ct__& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::gp(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline bivector operator*=(bivector& arg1, const bivector& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::gp(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline bivector operator*=(bivector& arg1, const __e1_ct__& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::gp(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline vector operator*=(vector& arg1, const vector& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::gp(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline vector operator*=(vector& arg1, const scalar& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::gp(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline vector operator*=(vector& arg1, float arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::gp(arg1, ::e2ga::scalar(arg2)));
        return arg1;
    inline e2_t operator*=(e2_t& arg1, const bivector& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::gp(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline scalar operator*=(scalar& arg1, const vector& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::gp(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline e1_t operator*=(e1_t& arg1, const bivector& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::gp(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline rotor operator*=(rotor& arg1, const vector& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::gp(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline scalar operator*=(scalar& arg1, const __e2_ct__& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::gp(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline __e1_ct__ operator*=(__e1_ct__& arg1, const mv& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::gp(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline __e2_ct__ operator*=(__e2_ct__& arg1, const mv& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::gp(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline __I2_ct__ operator*=(__I2_ct__& arg1, const mv& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::gp(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline __I2i_ct__ operator*=(__I2i_ct__& arg1, const mv& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::gp(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline mv operator*(const mv& arg1, const mv& arg2) {
        return ::e2ga::gp(arg1, arg2);
    inline rotor operator*(const vector& arg1, const __e1_ct__& arg2) {
        return ::e2ga::gp(arg1, arg2);
    inline e1_t operator*(const scalar& arg1, const __e1_ct__& arg2) {
        return ::e2ga::gp(arg1, arg2);
    inline e1_t operator*(float arg1, const __e1_ct__& arg2) {
        return ::e2ga::gp(::e2ga::scalar(arg1), arg2);
    inline e1_t operator*(const bivector& arg1, const __e2_ct__& arg2) {
        return ::e2ga::gp(arg1, arg2);
    inline rotor operator*(const vector& arg1, const __e2_ct__& arg2) {
        return ::e2ga::gp(arg1, arg2);
    inline scalar operator*(const bivector& arg1, const bivector& arg2) {
        return ::e2ga::gp(arg1, arg2);
    inline e2_t operator*(const bivector& arg1, const __e1_ct__& arg2) {
        return ::e2ga::gp(arg1, arg2);
    inline rotor operator*(const vector& arg1, const vector& arg2) {
        return ::e2ga::gp(arg1, arg2);
    inline vector operator*(const vector& arg1, const scalar& arg2) {
        return ::e2ga::gp(arg1, arg2);
    inline vector operator*(const vector& arg1, float arg2) {
        return ::e2ga::gp(arg1, ::e2ga::scalar(arg2));
    inline e1_t operator*(const e2_t& arg1, const bivector& arg2) {
        return ::e2ga::gp(arg1, arg2);
    inline vector operator*(const scalar& arg1, const vector& arg2) {
        return ::e2ga::gp(arg1, arg2);
    inline vector operator*(float arg1, const vector& arg2) {
        return ::e2ga::gp(::e2ga::scalar(arg1), arg2);
    inline e2_t operator*(const e1_t& arg1, const bivector& arg2) {
        return ::e2ga::gp(arg1, arg2);
    inline vector operator*(const rotor& arg1, const vector& arg2) {
        return ::e2ga::gp(arg1, arg2);
    inline e2_t operator*(const scalar& arg1, const __e2_ct__& arg2) {
        return ::e2ga::gp(arg1, arg2);
    inline e2_t operator*(float arg1, const __e2_ct__& arg2) {
        return ::e2ga::gp(::e2ga::scalar(arg1), arg2);
    inline mv operator<<=(mv& arg1, const mv& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::lcont(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline e1_t operator<<=(e1_t& arg1, const mv& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::lcont(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline e2_t operator<<=(e2_t& arg1, const mv& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::lcont(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline scalar operator<<=(scalar& arg1, const mv& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::lcont(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline vector operator<<=(vector& arg1, const mv& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::lcont(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline bivector operator<<=(bivector& arg1, const mv& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::lcont(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline rotor operator<<=(rotor& arg1, const mv& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::lcont(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline __e1_ct__ operator<<=(__e1_ct__& arg1, const mv& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::lcont(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline __e2_ct__ operator<<=(__e2_ct__& arg1, const mv& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::lcont(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline __I2_ct__ operator<<=(__I2_ct__& arg1, const mv& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::lcont(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline __I2i_ct__ operator<<=(__I2i_ct__& arg1, const mv& arg2) {
        arg1.set(::e2ga::lcont(arg1, arg2));
        return arg1;
    inline mv operator<<(const mv& arg1, const mv& arg2) {
        return ::e2ga::lcont(arg1, arg2);
    inline mv operator*(const mv& arg1) {
        return ::e2ga::dual(arg1);
    inline mv operator!(const mv& arg1) {
        return ::e2ga::inverse(arg1);
    inline vector operator!(const vector& arg1) {
        return ::e2ga::inverse(arg1);
    inline bivector operator!(const bivector& arg1) {
        return ::e2ga::inverse(arg1);
    inline mv operator~(const mv& arg1) {
        return ::e2ga::reverse(arg1);
    inline bivector operator~(const bivector& arg1) {
        return ::e2ga::reverse(arg1);
    inline vector operator~(const vector& arg1) {
        return ::e2ga::reverse(arg1);

    // G2 functions:
    inline vector unit_e(const vector& x) {
        scalar e2;
        e2.m_c[0] = ((x.m_c[0] * x.m_c[0]) + (x.m_c[1] * x.m_c[1]));
        scalar ie;
        ie.m_c[0] = ((char)1 / sqrt(e2.m_c[0]));
        return vector(vector_e1_e2, (x.m_c[0] * ie.m_c[0]), (x.m_c[1] * ie.m_c[0]));
    inline vector inverse(const vector& x) {
        scalar n;
        n.m_c[0] = ((x.m_c[1] * x.m_c[1]) + (x.m_c[0] * x.m_c[0]));
        scalar in;
        in.m_c[0] = ((char)1 / n.m_c[0]);
        return vector(vector_e1_e2, (x.m_c[0] * in.m_c[0]), (x.m_c[1] * in.m_c[0]));
    inline rotor gp(const vector& x, const __e1_ct__& y) {
        return rotor(rotor_scalar_e1e2, x.m_c[0], (-1.0f * x.m_c[1]));
    inline bivector gradeInvolution(const bivector& x) {
        return bivector(bivector_e1e2, x.m_c[0]);
    inline e1_t gp(const scalar& x, const __e1_ct__& y) {
        return e1_t(e1_t_e1, x.m_c[0]);
    inline scalar subtract(const scalar& x, const scalar& y) {
        return scalar(scalar_scalar, ((-1.0f * y.m_c[0]) + x.m_c[0]));
    inline rotor subtract(const rotor& x, const rotor& y) {
        return rotor(rotor_scalar_e1e2, ((-1.0f * y.m_c[0]) + x.m_c[0]), (x.m_c[1] + (-1.0f * y.m_c[1])));
    inline vector subtract(const vector& x, const vector& y) {
        return vector(vector_e1_e2, (x.m_c[0] + (-1.0f * y.m_c[0])), ((-1.0f * y.m_c[1]) + x.m_c[1]));
    inline scalar scp(const bivector& x, const bivector& y) {
        return scalar(scalar_scalar, (-1.0f * x.m_c[0] * y.m_c[0]));
    inline vector add(const e1_t& x, const e2_t& y) {
        return vector(vector_e1_e2, x.m_c[0], y.m_c[0]);
    inline e1_t gp(const bivector& x, const __e2_ct__& y) {
        return e1_t(e1_t_e1, x.m_c[0]);
    inline scalar norm_e2(const vector& x) {
        return scalar(scalar_scalar, ((x.m_c[0] * x.m_c[0]) + (x.m_c[1] * x.m_c[1])));
    inline scalar norm_e(const bivector& x) {
        scalar e2;
        e2.m_c[0] = (x.m_c[0] * x.m_c[0]);
        return scalar(scalar_scalar, sqrt(e2.m_c[0]));
    inline rotor gp(const vector& x, const __e2_ct__& y) {
        return rotor(rotor_scalar_e1e2, x.m_c[1], x.m_c[0]);
    inline scalar gp(const bivector& x, const bivector& y) {
        return scalar(scalar_scalar, (-1.0f * x.m_c[0] * y.m_c[0]));
    inline bivector op(const vector& x, const vector& y) {
        return bivector(bivector_e1e2, ((x.m_c[0] * y.m_c[1]) + (-1.0f * x.m_c[1] * y.m_c[0])));
    inline vector subtract(const e1_t& x, const e2_t& y) {
        return vector(vector_e1_e2, x.m_c[0], (-1.0f * y.m_c[0]));
    inline vector add(const vector& x, const vector& y) {
        return vector(vector_e1_e2, (y.m_c[0] + x.m_c[0]), (y.m_c[1] + x.m_c[1]));
    inline vector gradeInvolution(const vector& x) {
        return vector(vector_e1_e2, (-1.0f * x.m_c[0]), (-1.0f * x.m_c[1]));
    inline scalar norm_e(const vector& x) {
        scalar e2;
        e2.m_c[0] = ((x.m_c[0] * x.m_c[0]) + (x.m_c[1] * x.m_c[1]));
        return scalar(scalar_scalar, sqrt(e2.m_c[0]));
    inline bivector inverse(const bivector& x) {
        scalar n;
        n.m_c[0] = (x.m_c[0] * x.m_c[0]);
        scalar in;
        in.m_c[0] = ((char)1 / n.m_c[0]);
        return bivector(bivector_e1e2, (-1.0f * x.m_c[0] * in.m_c[0]));
    inline e2_t gp(const bivector& x, const __e1_ct__& y) {
        return e2_t(e2_t_e2, (-1.0f * x.m_c[0]));
    inline rotor gp(const vector& x, const vector& y) {
        return rotor(rotor_scalar_e1e2, ((x.m_c[1] * y.m_c[1]) + (x.m_c[0] * y.m_c[0])), ((-1.0f * x.m_c[1] * y.m_c[0]) + (x.m_c[0] * y.m_c[1])));
    inline vector gp(const vector& x, const scalar& y) {
        return vector(vector_e1_e2, (x.m_c[0] * y.m_c[0]), (x.m_c[1] * y.m_c[0]));
    inline bivector reverse(const bivector& x) {
        return bivector(bivector_e1e2, (-1.0f * x.m_c[0]));
    inline vector reverse(const vector& x) {
        return vector(vector_e1_e2, x.m_c[0], x.m_c[1]);
    inline e1_t gp(const e2_t& x, const bivector& y) {
        return e1_t(e1_t_e1, (-1.0f * x.m_c[0] * y.m_c[0]));
    inline vector gp(const scalar& x, const vector& y) {
        return vector(vector_e1_e2, (x.m_c[0] * y.m_c[0]), (x.m_c[0] * y.m_c[1]));
    inline e2_t gp(const e1_t& x, const bivector& y) {
        return e2_t(e2_t_e2, (x.m_c[0] * y.m_c[0]));
    inline vector gp(const rotor& x, const vector& y) {
        return vector(vector_e1_e2, ((x.m_c[1] * y.m_c[1]) + (x.m_c[0] * y.m_c[0])), ((x.m_c[0] * y.m_c[1]) + (-1.0f * x.m_c[1] * y.m_c[0])));
    inline e2_t gp(const scalar& x, const __e2_ct__& y) {
        return e2_t(e2_t_e2, x.m_c[0]);
    inline scalar scp(const vector& x, const vector& y) {
        return scalar(scalar_scalar, ((x.m_c[1] * y.m_c[1]) + (x.m_c[0] * y.m_c[0])));

} // end of namespace e2ga
// post_h_include

#endif //  _GA_e2ga_h_H_