// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.

// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

#include <algorithm>

#include "mesh.h"
#include "bsp_node.h"
#include "c3ga_util.h"
#include "c3ga.h"
#include "surface_point.h"
#include "ray.h"

using namespace c3ga;

mesh::mesh() {
    m_bsp_node = NULL;

mesh::mesh(const mesh &m) : m_vertex(m.m_vertex),
        m_bsp_node((m.m_bsp_node) ? new bsp_node(*m.m_bsp_node) : NULL),
        m_filename(m.m_filename) {

mesh::~mesh() {
    if (m_bsp_node) delete m_bsp_node;

mesh &mesh::operator=(const mesh &m) {
    if (this != &m) {
        m_vertex = m.m_vertex;
        m_face = m.m_face;
        m_bounding_sphere = m.m_bounding_sphere;
        m_filename = m.m_filename;

        m_bsp_node = (m.m_bsp_node) ? new bsp_node(*m.m_bsp_node) : NULL;
    return *this;

void mesh::set_vertex(int idx, const vertex &v) {
    if ((idx < 0) || (idx >= (int)m_vertex.size()))
        throw std::string("mesh::set_vertex(): index out of range");
    m_vertex[idx] = v;

void mesh::set_face(int idx, const face &f) {
    if ((idx < 0) || (idx >= (int)m_face.size()))
        throw std::string("mesh::set_face(): index out of range");
    m_face[idx] = f;

void mesh::set_filename(const std::string &s) {
    m_filename = s;

void mesh::init() {

void mesh::init_faces() {
    // compute the constants:
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_face.size(); i++)

    // remove faces that have no surface area (these occur sometimes in certain models)
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_face.size(); i++)
            if (-_Float(norm_r2(m_face[i].get_pl())) <= 0.0) {
                m_face[i] has no surface area:
                Move last face of the vector to this position,
                downsize the vector, and decrease 'i' by one
                so m_face[i] get's processed again
                m_face[i] = m_face[m_face.size()-1];


void mesh::compute_bounding_sphere() {
    unsigned int i;
    Compute the center of the bounding sphere:
    -create three orthogonal planes through the origin:
    -compute minimal and maximal signed distance of each
    vertex to these planes
    dualPlane pld[3] = {
            _dualPlane(dual(no ^ e2 ^ e3 ^ ni)),
            _dualPlane(dual(no ^ e3 ^ e1 ^ ni)),
            _dualPlane(dual(no ^ e1 ^ e2 ^ ni))

    mv::Float minDist[3] = {1e10, 1e10, 1e10};
    mv::Float maxDist[3] = {-1e10, -1e10, -1e10};
    for (i = 0; i < m_vertex.size(); i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
                    minDist[j] = std::min( _Float(pld[j] % m_vertex[i].get_pt())  , minDist[j]);
                    maxDist[j] = std::max( _Float(pld[j] % m_vertex[i].get_pt()), maxDist[j]);

    Compute the center 'c' of the bounding sphere.
    normalizedPoint center = cga_point(_vectorE3GA(
            0.5f * (minDist[0] + maxDist[0]) * pld[0] +
            0.5f * (minDist[1] + maxDist[1]) * pld[1] +
            0.5f * (minDist[2] + maxDist[2]) * pld[2]));

    Compute the required radius 'r' (actually, -r^2/2) of the bounding sphere:
    mv::Float r = 0.0;
    for (i = 0; i < m_vertex.size(); i++)
        r = std::min(_Float(m_vertex[i].get_pt() % center), r);

    Construct the bounding dual sphere:
    m_bounding_sphere = _normalizedDualSphere(center + r * ni);

//  printf("S = %s,\n", c3ga::string(m_bounding_sphere, "%f"));

namespace { // anonymous namspace

// function used with qsort for sorting bsp_sort_data
// TODO: use C++ std lib sort() template . . .
int construct_bsp_tree_sort(const void *v1, const void *v2) {
    struct bsp_sort_data *d1 = (struct bsp_sort_data *)v1, *d2 = (struct bsp_sort_data *)v2;

    if (d1->signed_distance < d2->signed_distance) return -1;
    else return (d1->signed_distance > d2->signed_distance);

} // end of anonymous namspace

void mesh::construct_bsp_tree() {
    unsigned int i;

    // get memory used to sort vertices
    std::vector<struct bsp_sort_data> bsp_vertex(m_vertex.size());

    // assign the correct index to each entry in bsp_vertex
    for (i = 0; i < bsp_vertex.size(); i++)
        bsp_vertex[i].idx = i;

    construct the bsp tree...

    0 is the 'direction' of the first partition plane 
    16 is the constant which determines how many vertices end up in one partition
    std::vector<unsigned int> lastSizes(3);
    m_bsp_node   = construct_bsp_tree(0, (int)bsp_vertex.size(), &(bsp_vertex[0]), 16, lastSizes);

    // insert all faces into the bsp tree:
    for (i =0; i < (unsigned int)get_nb_faces(); i++) {
        std::vector<normalizedFlatPoint> vertex;
        vertex.push_back(_normalizedFlatPoint(get_vertex(get_face(i).get_vtx_idx(0)).get_pt() ^ ni));
        vertex.push_back(_normalizedFlatPoint(get_vertex(get_face(i).get_vtx_idx(1)).get_pt() ^ ni));
        vertex.push_back(_normalizedFlatPoint(get_vertex(get_face(i).get_vtx_idx(2)).get_pt() ^ ni));
        m_bsp_node  ->insert_face(i, vertex);

bool mesh::check_planes(const std::vector<plane> &planes, unsigned int nb_vertices, struct bsp_sort_data*vertex) const {
    bool bad = false;
    for (unsigned int j = 0; j < nb_vertices; j++) {
        const ::vertex &v(get_vertex(vertex[j].idx));
        normalizedFlatPoint fpt = _normalizedFlatPoint(v.get_pt() ^ ni);
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < planes.size(); i++) {
            mv::Float sdx = -_Float(no << (dual(planes[i]) << fpt));
            if (sdx < 0.0) {
                bad = true;
    return bad;

bsp_node *mesh::construct_bsp_tree(/*std::vector<c3ga> planes, */int base_plane_idx,
                                   unsigned int nb_vertices, struct bsp_sort_data*vertex,
                                   unsigned int desired_vertices_per_partition, std::vector<unsigned int> lastSizes) const {
    unsigned int i;


    // todo:
    // remember last 3 sizes? create leaf node when three times equal size?

    // we are done if the number of vertices <= the desired number of vertices per partition
    if ((nb_vertices <= desired_vertices_per_partition) ||
        ((lastSizes[0] == lastSizes[1]) && (lastSizes[1] == lastSizes[2]))) {
        return construct_bsp_leaf(/*planes, */nb_vertices, vertex);

    Get the 'base plane' we are going to use for partitioning the space:
    The integer 'basePlaneIdx' tells us what plane to use:
    dualPlane dual_base_plane;
    if (base_plane_idx == 0) dual_base_plane = _dualPlane(dual(no ^ e2 ^ e3 ^ ni));
    else if (base_plane_idx == 1) dual_base_plane = _dualPlane(dual(no ^ e3 ^ e1 ^ ni));
    else dual_base_plane = _dualPlane(dual(no ^ e1 ^ e2 ^ ni));

    Compute the signed distance of each vertex to the plane.
    This distance is stored inside the vertices, 
    so we can use it to sort them:
    for (i = 0; i < nb_vertices; i++) {
        vertex[i].signed_distance = -
            _Float(dual_base_plane % get_vertex(vertex[i].idx).get_pt());

    Use quicksort to sort the vertices.
    The function 'constructBSPTreeSort()' compares the
    signed_distance fields of the vertices.
    Todo: use stl quick sort . . . 
    qsort(vertex, nb_vertices, sizeof(bsp_sort_data), construct_bsp_tree_sort);

    The required translation of the base plane is now simply the 
    average of the signed distance of the two vertices that came out 
    in the middle after sorting:
    int split_idx = nb_vertices / 2;
    mv::Float d = 0.5f * (vertex[split_idx-1].signed_distance + vertex[split_idx].signed_distance);

    int upto = split_idx;
    int startat = split_idx;
    Temp test . . . 
    if (vertex[split_idx-1].signed_distance == vertex[split_idx].signed_distance) {
        while (((upto+1) < (int)nb_vertices) &&
            (vertex[upto].signed_distance == vertex[upto+1].signed_distance))
        while (((startat-1) >= 0) &&
            (vertex[startat].signed_distance == vertex[startat-1].signed_distance))

    We now translate the dual base plane, (un)dualize it and store
    it in the m_pl of the BSP node:
    plane pl = _plane(undual(dual_base_plane - d * ni));

    struct bsp_sort_data *vertex2 = vertex;
    std::vector<struct bsp_sort_data> bsp_vertex2;
    if (upto != startat) {
        vertex2 = &(bsp_vertex2[0]);
        memcpy(vertex2, vertex, sizeof(struct bsp_sort_data) * nb_vertices);

    return new bsp_node(pl,
        construct_bsp_tree((base_plane_idx+1)%3, upto, vertex, desired_vertices_per_partition, lastSizes),
        construct_bsp_tree((base_plane_idx+1)%3, nb_vertices - startat, vertex2 + startat, desired_vertices_per_partition, lastSizes));

bsp_node *mesh::construct_bsp_leaf(unsigned int nb_vertices, struct bsp_sort_data*vertex) const {
    return new bsp_node();

void mesh::compute_local_texture_basis() {
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_face.size(); i++) {

bool mesh::find_intersection(const ray &R, surface_point &spt, bool find_closest) const {
    dualPlane ray_dual_plane = _dualPlane((no << R.get_position()) << R.get_direction());

    // The point must be either inside the sphere . . . 
    dualSphere PI = _dualSphere(get_bounding_dual_sphere() << R.get_position()); // PI is a sphere (imaginary or real tells whether ray pos is inside sphere)
    if (_Float(PI % PI) > 0.0f) {
        /// . . . or the sphere must be ahead of the ray:
        if (_Float(ray_dual_plane % get_bounding_dual_sphere()) < 0.0f)
            return false;

    dualLine ray_dual_line = _dualLine(dual((R.get_position() ^ ray_dual_plane)));

    // OK, the sphere is ahead of the ray, now check for intersection
    pointPair I = _pointPair(get_bounding_dual_sphere() << dual(ray_dual_line));
    if (_Float(I % I) <= 0.0f) // is it a (dual) imaginary circle or a tangent?
        return false; // if so, don't search on

    return find_intersection_bsp(I, ray_dual_plane, ray_dual_line, spt, find_closest);

bool mesh::find_intersection_brute_force(const dualPlane &ray_dual_plane, const dualLine &ray_dual_line, surface_point &spt, bool find_closest) const {
    if (find_closest) {
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_face.size(); i++)
             if (m_face[i].find_intersection(ray_dual_plane, ray_dual_line, spt, find_closest))
        return spt.get_valid();
    else {
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_face.size(); i++) {
            if (m_face[i].find_intersection(ray_dual_plane, ray_dual_line, spt, find_closest)) {
                return true;
        return false;

bool mesh::find_intersection_bsp(const pointPair &pp, const dualPlane &ray_dual_plane, const dualLine &ray_dual_line, surface_point &spt, bool find_closest) const {

    // split 'pp' into two flat points
    normalizedFlatPoint fpt1, fpt2;
    dissect_point_pair_normalized_flat(pp, fpt1, fpt2);

    // determine where those point are relative to (the start of) the ray
    mv::Float d1, d2;
    d1 = -_Float(no << (ray_dual_plane << fpt1));
    d2 = -_Float(no << (ray_dual_plane << fpt2));

    // descent down the bsp tree (but first order fpt1 and fpt2)
    if (d1 < d2) {
        bsp_descent_info bdi(this, fpt1, d1, fpt2, d2, ray_dual_plane, ray_dual_line, spt, find_closest);
        return get_bsp_node()->find_intersection(bdi);
    else {
        bsp_descent_info bdi(this, fpt2, d2, fpt1, d1, ray_dual_plane, ray_dual_line, spt, find_closest);
        return get_bsp_node()->find_intersection(bdi);

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